(a) location (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rworldxtra/index.html, accessed on 2018-01-09, derived from Natural Earth data), (b) large landscapes and soil quality rating (yield potential, full range going from 0 (low) to 100 (high)). Data by Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) (data source: SQR1000 v1.0, BGR, Hannover, https://www.bgr.bund.de/DE/Themen/Boden/Ressourcenbewertung/Ertragspotential/Ertragspotential_node.html, accessed on 2017-12-16) and Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (Bavarian Environment Agency) (www.lfu.bayern.de/natur/naturraeume, accessed on 2017-12-16) incorporating data by Geodaten—Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung (Bavarian Surveying and M...
The condition of forests in Bavaria and development trends are being monitored since 1982 by the Bay...
Schleswig-Holstein study area, showing the differentiation between main landscape types and the loca...
Zusammenfassung : Ziel dieser Fallstudie im Landkreis Oberallgäu ist es, die Wirkung der Ausgleichsz...
<p>The GIS dataset is showing the land use and land cover of Central Germany on a 500x500 m grid. Ce...
Abstract: Current information on the potential distribution and condition of peatland soils are of...
The collective analysis of long-term field experiments (LTFEs), here defined as agricultural experim...
Die Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Richtlinie der Europäischen Union von 1992 dient dem Ziel der Erhaltung und ...
<p>a) Central European setting in relation to main drainage basins and the Central European Watershe...
Das CORINE Land Cover (CLC)-Klassifizierungssystem hat bsich seit Anfang 1990 für die Erfassung von ...
Böden sind nicht nur die verwitterte und durch verschiedenste Prozesse überprägte oberste Schicht de...
In order to discuss the impact of land consumption, it is first necessary to localize and quantify t...
Control of erosion rates (CER) is a key ecosystem service for soil protection. It is mandatory for s...
This study assesses the potential impact of future climate change on agricultural land rents in Germ...
Based on Copernicus CORINE land cover data from 2012, we aggregated the original CORINE land use cla...
Geologische Karte von Bayern / Erläuterungen. - München : Bayer. Geolog. Landesamt Bl. 7934. Starnb...
The condition of forests in Bavaria and development trends are being monitored since 1982 by the Bay...
Schleswig-Holstein study area, showing the differentiation between main landscape types and the loca...
Zusammenfassung : Ziel dieser Fallstudie im Landkreis Oberallgäu ist es, die Wirkung der Ausgleichsz...
<p>The GIS dataset is showing the land use and land cover of Central Germany on a 500x500 m grid. Ce...
Abstract: Current information on the potential distribution and condition of peatland soils are of...
The collective analysis of long-term field experiments (LTFEs), here defined as agricultural experim...
Die Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Richtlinie der Europäischen Union von 1992 dient dem Ziel der Erhaltung und ...
<p>a) Central European setting in relation to main drainage basins and the Central European Watershe...
Das CORINE Land Cover (CLC)-Klassifizierungssystem hat bsich seit Anfang 1990 für die Erfassung von ...
Böden sind nicht nur die verwitterte und durch verschiedenste Prozesse überprägte oberste Schicht de...
In order to discuss the impact of land consumption, it is first necessary to localize and quantify t...
Control of erosion rates (CER) is a key ecosystem service for soil protection. It is mandatory for s...
This study assesses the potential impact of future climate change on agricultural land rents in Germ...
Based on Copernicus CORINE land cover data from 2012, we aggregated the original CORINE land use cla...
Geologische Karte von Bayern / Erläuterungen. - München : Bayer. Geolog. Landesamt Bl. 7934. Starnb...
The condition of forests in Bavaria and development trends are being monitored since 1982 by the Bay...
Schleswig-Holstein study area, showing the differentiation between main landscape types and the loca...
Zusammenfassung : Ziel dieser Fallstudie im Landkreis Oberallgäu ist es, die Wirkung der Ausgleichsz...