Table S2. Composition of liquid culture media with low (2Â mM) and standard (20Â mM) concentrations of inorganic nitrogen. (DOCX 28 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. The Rarefaction curve and Rank abundance of microbial communities in s...
The rainfall (bar) and mean temperature (line) data during the study period (2016 and 2017, MayâOc...
The pits (inner length, 10âm; width, 7âm; and height, 1.2âm) used for this study and the plast...
Figure S4. Six WAG plants grown nitrogen-sufficient or -deficient conditions. Aseptically grown 2 WA...
Figure S3. All leaves of representative plants for each genotype at 9 WAG. (PDF 7344 kb
Figure S7. Growth of representative ups1 and ups2 mutants. Plants were grown at 23 °C in soil for ...
Figure S1. Three-week-old aah mutants grown on gellan gum medium. Two WAG seedlings grown on half-st...
Figure S5. Ureide concentrations in the dry seeds of aln and aah mutants. Asterisks denote significa...
Figure S2. Chlorophyll contents of rosette leaves from four WAG plants. Chlorophylls were measured b...
Figure S6. Characterization of ups1 and ups2 mutants. (a) Diagram of the T-DNA insertion in AtUPS1 i...
The tools used for the collection of bleeding sap. Cotton (A), centrifuge tube (B), scissors (C), pl...
Senescence hallmarks in GSC and RSC. Measurement of total protein content and hexose concentration i...
Chemical diversity vs biological activity (root length and root growth (% of zero control plant grow...
Figure S1. Dose-response effect of the compounds on (a) Solanum lycopersicum and (b) Nicotiana tabac...
Additional file 2: Table S1. Differential metabolite in CK vs REF. Table S2. Differential metabolite...
Additional file 1: Figure S1. The Rarefaction curve and Rank abundance of microbial communities in s...
The rainfall (bar) and mean temperature (line) data during the study period (2016 and 2017, MayâOc...
The pits (inner length, 10âm; width, 7âm; and height, 1.2âm) used for this study and the plast...
Figure S4. Six WAG plants grown nitrogen-sufficient or -deficient conditions. Aseptically grown 2 WA...
Figure S3. All leaves of representative plants for each genotype at 9 WAG. (PDF 7344 kb
Figure S7. Growth of representative ups1 and ups2 mutants. Plants were grown at 23 °C in soil for ...
Figure S1. Three-week-old aah mutants grown on gellan gum medium. Two WAG seedlings grown on half-st...
Figure S5. Ureide concentrations in the dry seeds of aln and aah mutants. Asterisks denote significa...
Figure S2. Chlorophyll contents of rosette leaves from four WAG plants. Chlorophylls were measured b...
Figure S6. Characterization of ups1 and ups2 mutants. (a) Diagram of the T-DNA insertion in AtUPS1 i...
The tools used for the collection of bleeding sap. Cotton (A), centrifuge tube (B), scissors (C), pl...
Senescence hallmarks in GSC and RSC. Measurement of total protein content and hexose concentration i...
Chemical diversity vs biological activity (root length and root growth (% of zero control plant grow...
Figure S1. Dose-response effect of the compounds on (a) Solanum lycopersicum and (b) Nicotiana tabac...
Additional file 2: Table S1. Differential metabolite in CK vs REF. Table S2. Differential metabolite...
Additional file 1: Figure S1. The Rarefaction curve and Rank abundance of microbial communities in s...
The rainfall (bar) and mean temperature (line) data during the study period (2016 and 2017, MayâOc...
The pits (inner length, 10âm; width, 7âm; and height, 1.2âm) used for this study and the plast...