Excel files that contain the data used for both conspicuous and body size experiments
Data for Experiment 1 (first worksheet) and Experiment 2 (second worksheet) for all conditions, in M...
This is the excel file used during data collection and for the data analyses. For each step and each...
A 3 page excel file containing abundance and body size data for the zooplankton prey, invertebrate p...
Excel files that contain the data used for both conspicuous and body size experiments
Excel file containing 5 spreadsheets of vole testes length, body mass and capture date data
The file 'expt1_fecundity_blood_data' contains data from the Experiment 1 related to female fecundit...
An excel file containing all long-term data of groups and individuals and the respective fitness est...
excel file with weight lifting performance data collected from bats in the lab. FA= forearm length
Average and maximum body lengths for elapids, with literature sources, in Excel format
Data file consists of an Excel spread sheet. The spread sheet contains the identification number ass...
Excel files of raw data from closed-chamber and flow-through calorespirometry experiments
The Excel file contains all the individual entries used to plot the figures presented in the study. ...
An Excel file containing several sheets. Each sheet contains the complete dataset for each experimen...
Proportion of correct responses, z-values and d' values for response accuracy on genuine and decepti...
Excel files of Metabolomic XCMS data and demographic information regarding the Athlete Cohort and Ex...
Data for Experiment 1 (first worksheet) and Experiment 2 (second worksheet) for all conditions, in M...
This is the excel file used during data collection and for the data analyses. For each step and each...
A 3 page excel file containing abundance and body size data for the zooplankton prey, invertebrate p...
Excel files that contain the data used for both conspicuous and body size experiments
Excel file containing 5 spreadsheets of vole testes length, body mass and capture date data
The file 'expt1_fecundity_blood_data' contains data from the Experiment 1 related to female fecundit...
An excel file containing all long-term data of groups and individuals and the respective fitness est...
excel file with weight lifting performance data collected from bats in the lab. FA= forearm length
Average and maximum body lengths for elapids, with literature sources, in Excel format
Data file consists of an Excel spread sheet. The spread sheet contains the identification number ass...
Excel files of raw data from closed-chamber and flow-through calorespirometry experiments
The Excel file contains all the individual entries used to plot the figures presented in the study. ...
An Excel file containing several sheets. Each sheet contains the complete dataset for each experimen...
Proportion of correct responses, z-values and d' values for response accuracy on genuine and decepti...
Excel files of Metabolomic XCMS data and demographic information regarding the Athlete Cohort and Ex...
Data for Experiment 1 (first worksheet) and Experiment 2 (second worksheet) for all conditions, in M...
This is the excel file used during data collection and for the data analyses. For each step and each...
A 3 page excel file containing abundance and body size data for the zooplankton prey, invertebrate p...