Figure S5. Weight/surface area ratios of wild type and ms33 anthers. (TIF 3576 kb
Figure S1. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in anthers of pP5CS1:GUS and pP5CS2:GUS transg...
(a)Tissue expression profile of 14 TCA cycle-related DEGs. The expression data (FPKM values) were ob...
2-DE patterns of proteins extracted from MF-1376 and PHYMS anthers. (DOCX 1751Â kb
Table S2. Detailed cutin compositions in wild-type and ms33 anthers. (DOCX 15 kb
Figure S4. MS26, MS45, IPE1, and APV1 transcript levels in the wild type and ms33. Error bars indica...
Figure S3. Transmission electron microscopy of pollen exine in the wild type and ms33. (a) and (b), ...
Figure S1. Phylogenetic analysis of MS33 and related homologs. MEGA 4.0 was used to construct the ph...
Figure S2. Heat map representation of the differences in gene expression between the wild type and m...
Abstract Background The anther cuticle, which is primarily composed of lipid polymers, is crucial fo...
Figure S4. Weight/Surface area ratio of WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. The weight/surface area ratio of...
Figure S8. Epidermal impressions of the fourth leaf abaxial surfaces from 40-day-old seedlings. (DOC...
Table S3. Detailed cutin composition of the WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. (DOCX 17 kb
Figure S3. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in anthers of p35S:GUS, pLtp12:GUS and p17340:...
Figure S1. Positional cloning of qLW10 using the HIF family BYK-HIF in the By815 × K22 recombinant i...
Figure S5. Box plots showing the four Zmcsld1 allelic effects in six F2 populations. (DOCX 358 kb
Figure S1. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in anthers of pP5CS1:GUS and pP5CS2:GUS transg...
(a)Tissue expression profile of 14 TCA cycle-related DEGs. The expression data (FPKM values) were ob...
2-DE patterns of proteins extracted from MF-1376 and PHYMS anthers. (DOCX 1751Â kb
Table S2. Detailed cutin compositions in wild-type and ms33 anthers. (DOCX 15 kb
Figure S4. MS26, MS45, IPE1, and APV1 transcript levels in the wild type and ms33. Error bars indica...
Figure S3. Transmission electron microscopy of pollen exine in the wild type and ms33. (a) and (b), ...
Figure S1. Phylogenetic analysis of MS33 and related homologs. MEGA 4.0 was used to construct the ph...
Figure S2. Heat map representation of the differences in gene expression between the wild type and m...
Abstract Background The anther cuticle, which is primarily composed of lipid polymers, is crucial fo...
Figure S4. Weight/Surface area ratio of WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. The weight/surface area ratio of...
Figure S8. Epidermal impressions of the fourth leaf abaxial surfaces from 40-day-old seedlings. (DOC...
Table S3. Detailed cutin composition of the WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. (DOCX 17 kb
Figure S3. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in anthers of p35S:GUS, pLtp12:GUS and p17340:...
Figure S1. Positional cloning of qLW10 using the HIF family BYK-HIF in the By815 × K22 recombinant i...
Figure S5. Box plots showing the four Zmcsld1 allelic effects in six F2 populations. (DOCX 358 kb
Figure S1. Histochemical localization of GUS activity in anthers of pP5CS1:GUS and pP5CS2:GUS transg...
(a)Tissue expression profile of 14 TCA cycle-related DEGs. The expression data (FPKM values) were ob...
2-DE patterns of proteins extracted from MF-1376 and PHYMS anthers. (DOCX 1751Â kb