Creating histograms of spatial distribution for bathymetric profiles. Project: Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean
Show correlation of the sediment thickness, trench slope angle by 25 bathymetric profiles and depth...
Here I create an output as a histogram for 25 bath profiles with one common legend using ggpubr pack...
R script for regression analysis, for one bathymetric profile (here: Profile Nr. 11
Hexagonal plot showing frequency distribution of bathymetric data by 25 profiles, according to the ...
Distribution of the observation points along 25 bathymetric profiles within four tectonic plates, Ma...
without color, basic plot showing geometric distribution of depths by bathymetric profiles, Mariana ...
On this plot we can see how the data are distributed according to the bathymetric profiles (here: an...
Plotting Dumbbell chart for 25 bathymetric profiles, Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean
Plotting correlation between angle steepness and bathymetry by 25 profiles, Mariana Trench
Distribution of slope angles by bathymetric profiles 1:25, Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocea
Scatter 3D basic plot for 3 categories: sediment thickness, slope angle and bathymetric profiles, Ma...
Categorywise Bar Chart for Mariana Trench 25 bathymetric profiles. Distribution of Observation Poin...
Mariana Trench: mosaic plot for plate tectonics (Mariana, Caroline, Pacific and Philippine)
Creating strip plots showing distribution of various environmental parameters by four tectonic plate...
Mariana Trench project: ridgeline plot on bathymetry; density distribution of depth observation poi...
Show correlation of the sediment thickness, trench slope angle by 25 bathymetric profiles and depth...
Here I create an output as a histogram for 25 bath profiles with one common legend using ggpubr pack...
R script for regression analysis, for one bathymetric profile (here: Profile Nr. 11
Hexagonal plot showing frequency distribution of bathymetric data by 25 profiles, according to the ...
Distribution of the observation points along 25 bathymetric profiles within four tectonic plates, Ma...
without color, basic plot showing geometric distribution of depths by bathymetric profiles, Mariana ...
On this plot we can see how the data are distributed according to the bathymetric profiles (here: an...
Plotting Dumbbell chart for 25 bathymetric profiles, Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean
Plotting correlation between angle steepness and bathymetry by 25 profiles, Mariana Trench
Distribution of slope angles by bathymetric profiles 1:25, Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocea
Scatter 3D basic plot for 3 categories: sediment thickness, slope angle and bathymetric profiles, Ma...
Categorywise Bar Chart for Mariana Trench 25 bathymetric profiles. Distribution of Observation Poin...
Mariana Trench: mosaic plot for plate tectonics (Mariana, Caroline, Pacific and Philippine)
Creating strip plots showing distribution of various environmental parameters by four tectonic plate...
Mariana Trench project: ridgeline plot on bathymetry; density distribution of depth observation poi...
Show correlation of the sediment thickness, trench slope angle by 25 bathymetric profiles and depth...
Here I create an output as a histogram for 25 bath profiles with one common legend using ggpubr pack...
R script for regression analysis, for one bathymetric profile (here: Profile Nr. 11