Data used to generate Fig. 4. Summary of the BASILIScan search with all human protein sequences available from UniprotKB/Swissprot against the UniprotKB/Swissprot repository. (CSV 1418 kb
List of all 74 features used for feature selection and model construction. (XLS 47 kb
A program is described for rapid detection of protein sequence patterns on the Apple Macintosh which...
This file contains additional DASP methods, including the development and validation of DASP2, and s...
BASILIScan search with human CDC7 kinase (Uniprot ID: O00311) against all vertebrate sequences avail...
Supplementary text for Discovering MoRFs by trisecting intrinsically disordered protein sequence int...
List of complete reference proteomes used in the web tool, organised by evolutionary path. (XLSX 13Â...
Supplementary methods. Descriptions on the human MS/MS data set, RNA sequencing analysis, constructi...
Prioritized list of human-MTB protein pairs obtained by comparison with the interlog-derived templat...
Supplemental files for the manuscript 'A novel approach to the detection of unusual mitochondrial pr...
Detailed results of MFAP1 and Spp381 ortholog searches with InParanoid 8. The protein sequence of Ho...
Figure S3. Visualization of ChiP-seq peaks from ArrayExperss database idenyified in SHOE predictions...
Figure S1. Number of orthology pairwise relationships calculated with OrthoMCL, ProteinPathTracker a...
TABLE (.XLS) including the data and IDs of the 17,437 human protein-coding genes included in each of...
A text file containing the subset of genes for which we have reported pathogenic variants (3,046 gen...
List of GLAM2Scan [24] results for scan of the Clostridium difficile R20291 genome for cdPadR1 motif...
List of all 74 features used for feature selection and model construction. (XLS 47 kb
A program is described for rapid detection of protein sequence patterns on the Apple Macintosh which...
This file contains additional DASP methods, including the development and validation of DASP2, and s...
BASILIScan search with human CDC7 kinase (Uniprot ID: O00311) against all vertebrate sequences avail...
Supplementary text for Discovering MoRFs by trisecting intrinsically disordered protein sequence int...
List of complete reference proteomes used in the web tool, organised by evolutionary path. (XLSX 13Â...
Supplementary methods. Descriptions on the human MS/MS data set, RNA sequencing analysis, constructi...
Prioritized list of human-MTB protein pairs obtained by comparison with the interlog-derived templat...
Supplemental files for the manuscript 'A novel approach to the detection of unusual mitochondrial pr...
Detailed results of MFAP1 and Spp381 ortholog searches with InParanoid 8. The protein sequence of Ho...
Figure S3. Visualization of ChiP-seq peaks from ArrayExperss database idenyified in SHOE predictions...
Figure S1. Number of orthology pairwise relationships calculated with OrthoMCL, ProteinPathTracker a...
TABLE (.XLS) including the data and IDs of the 17,437 human protein-coding genes included in each of...
A text file containing the subset of genes for which we have reported pathogenic variants (3,046 gen...
List of GLAM2Scan [24] results for scan of the Clostridium difficile R20291 genome for cdPadR1 motif...
List of all 74 features used for feature selection and model construction. (XLS 47 kb
A program is described for rapid detection of protein sequence patterns on the Apple Macintosh which...
This file contains additional DASP methods, including the development and validation of DASP2, and s...