Linear regression testing association between distance to nearest NSP service and continuous coverage amongst PWID in Melbourne, Australia (2015–2016).</p
<p>Least-Cost Path distances from the three earliest sites to the sites included in each regression....
<p>Relationship between average postcode based distance (kilometres) from Watchtower municipalities ...
<p>(B = coefficient; SE = standard error; Wald = Wald test statistic; Exp(B) = Hazard ratio; p = p v...
Distance between participant residence and nearest NSP service type in Melbourne, Australia (2015–20...
Logistic regression associations between independent variables and insufficient coverage amongst PWI...
<p>Relative change (%) in contact rates when moving 50 kilometres away from the casualty clinic for ...
<p>Relative change (%) in consultation rates when moving 50 kilometres away from the casualty clinic...
Geographic distribution of primary/secondary fixed-site NSPs in Melbourne, Australia*.</p
<p>Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Association of Variables with Distance from the Chest Wall...
QAP correlation and regression results of geodesic and LCP centroid distances on average BR similari...
Distance to health services is known to be negatively associated with usage and needle and syringe p...
Regression parameters for the relationship between community similarity and distance (geographic and...
<p>Relationship between frequency of contact with members of the network and health status by countr...
<p>Linear regression of the relationship between generation time and average Dayhoff distances at th...
The results for the calculated parameters SEVR (A), dP/dtmax (B), AIx (C) and AGPH (D) are displayed...
<p>Least-Cost Path distances from the three earliest sites to the sites included in each regression....
<p>Relationship between average postcode based distance (kilometres) from Watchtower municipalities ...
<p>(B = coefficient; SE = standard error; Wald = Wald test statistic; Exp(B) = Hazard ratio; p = p v...
Distance between participant residence and nearest NSP service type in Melbourne, Australia (2015–20...
Logistic regression associations between independent variables and insufficient coverage amongst PWI...
<p>Relative change (%) in contact rates when moving 50 kilometres away from the casualty clinic for ...
<p>Relative change (%) in consultation rates when moving 50 kilometres away from the casualty clinic...
Geographic distribution of primary/secondary fixed-site NSPs in Melbourne, Australia*.</p
<p>Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Association of Variables with Distance from the Chest Wall...
QAP correlation and regression results of geodesic and LCP centroid distances on average BR similari...
Distance to health services is known to be negatively associated with usage and needle and syringe p...
Regression parameters for the relationship between community similarity and distance (geographic and...
<p>Relationship between frequency of contact with members of the network and health status by countr...
<p>Linear regression of the relationship between generation time and average Dayhoff distances at th...
The results for the calculated parameters SEVR (A), dP/dtmax (B), AIx (C) and AGPH (D) are displayed...
<p>Least-Cost Path distances from the three earliest sites to the sites included in each regression....
<p>Relationship between average postcode based distance (kilometres) from Watchtower municipalities ...
<p>(B = coefficient; SE = standard error; Wald = Wald test statistic; Exp(B) = Hazard ratio; p = p v...