The nitrosylation of biological Fe/S clusters to give protein-bound dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) is physiologically important. Biomimetic studies on the reaction of synthetic [2Fe–2S] clusters with NO have so far been limited to diferric model complexes. This work now compares the nitrosylation of [2Fe–2S] clusters with SN- or NN-chelating benzimidazolate/thiophenolate or bis(benzimidazolate) capping ligands in their diferric (12– and 22–) and mixed-valent (FeIIFeIII, 13–, and 23–) forms. Furthermore, the effect of protonation of the imidazole part of the SN ligand has been probed on both the nitrosylation reaction and properties of the resulting DNIC. The reaction of 12– and 22– with 4 equiv NO yields the new anionic {Fe(NO)2}9 DNIC...