Temporal distribution of zoonotic diseases recorded in human from 2012–2016 in the study districts.</p
<p>Timeline and frequency of reverse zoonoses publications included in this review shown by pathogen...
Temporal distribution of anisakiasis cases (according to years and diagnosis).</p
<p>The spatial distribution of clinical and confirmed rabies cases in 3 zones of Kinshasa from 2009 ...
Number of zoonotic disease cases among age groups for the five-year period (2012–2016).</p
Overall incidence proportion of major zoonotic diseases per 100,000 populations in the study distric...
District wise retrospective data of anthrax among different species of animals (2012–2016).</p
District wise retrospective data of rabies among different species of animals (2012–2016).</p
Number of zoonotic disease cases and incidence proportion per 100,000 population by sex for the repo...
<p>Distribution of the cholera cases in the study area during the large outbreak (March and April 20...
<p>The spatial distribution of human clinical cases of rabies in Kinshasa from 2003 to 2016.</p
<p>Distribution of the number of human and animal illnesses and deaths per household during the firs...
<p>Demographic distribution of human rabies exposure cases received PEP at Suhul hospital during 201...
patial distribution of anthrax cases relative to hippo population size in 2010.</p
Distribution of anthrax cases in Lesotho by district, year, month and animal species between 2005 an...
Distribution of patients with zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis by the age group and sex.</p
<p>Timeline and frequency of reverse zoonoses publications included in this review shown by pathogen...
Temporal distribution of anisakiasis cases (according to years and diagnosis).</p
<p>The spatial distribution of clinical and confirmed rabies cases in 3 zones of Kinshasa from 2009 ...
Number of zoonotic disease cases among age groups for the five-year period (2012–2016).</p
Overall incidence proportion of major zoonotic diseases per 100,000 populations in the study distric...
District wise retrospective data of anthrax among different species of animals (2012–2016).</p
District wise retrospective data of rabies among different species of animals (2012–2016).</p
Number of zoonotic disease cases and incidence proportion per 100,000 population by sex for the repo...
<p>Distribution of the cholera cases in the study area during the large outbreak (March and April 20...
<p>The spatial distribution of human clinical cases of rabies in Kinshasa from 2003 to 2016.</p
<p>Distribution of the number of human and animal illnesses and deaths per household during the firs...
<p>Demographic distribution of human rabies exposure cases received PEP at Suhul hospital during 201...
patial distribution of anthrax cases relative to hippo population size in 2010.</p
Distribution of anthrax cases in Lesotho by district, year, month and animal species between 2005 an...
Distribution of patients with zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis by the age group and sex.</p
<p>Timeline and frequency of reverse zoonoses publications included in this review shown by pathogen...
Temporal distribution of anisakiasis cases (according to years and diagnosis).</p
<p>The spatial distribution of clinical and confirmed rabies cases in 3 zones of Kinshasa from 2009 ...