Kemppinen et al. (2019). Water as a resource, stress and disturbance shaping tundra vegetation

  • Julia Kemppinen (6237533)
  • Pekka Niittynen (6237536)
  • Juha Aalto (4950706)
  • Peter le Roux (3402725)
  • Miska Luoto (809194)
Publication date
January 2019


Here, are the data, on which the analyses of Kemppinen et al. (2019) were based on. The first column is the plot identification number. After which are the eight environmental variables, namely temperature, radiation, soil pH, cryogenic processes, and biotic interactions, as well as the three water variables: water as a resource, stress, and disturbance. The environmental variables are followed by the species richness of three taxonomical groups, namely vascular plants, mosses, and lichens. The rest of the columns are the coverage data on the 271 species, on which this research was based on. For a detailed description on the data and for full species names, please see Kemppinen et al. (2019)

Extracted data

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