Raw data showing all of the pointing responses (A) and all of the verbal responses (B) from a single block of trials (55 pointing trials, 55 verbal trials) from a single participant performed with the right-hand positioned straight ahead with the palm down. The black circles and connected lines show the actual location of each of the 11 landmarks for this individual participant. The coloured symbols show the location of each individual pointing trial throughout the block. Each specific colour and shape correspond to a specific landmark, as indicated in the middle of the figure.</p
<p>(<b>a</b>) Two trials of a single participant (P8) for one object orientation (blue and red lines...
We investigated how the visibility of targets influenced the type of point used to provide direction...
<p>In the sustained touching trials the subject was released while the experimenter was still touchi...
(A) The eleven landmarks of the hand that each participant was asked to locate throughout the experi...
<p>Testing paradigm (referenced visual localisation, Panel A; pointing, Panel B) and example data fo...
<p>A) Experimental setup. B) time course of one single trial. Participants initiated the trial by ta...
The black dots show the participant’s localization response to a panned white-noise stimulus. The bl...
<p>The cue indicates the location of the two quadrants that need to be processed. The example here s...
<p>Black dots represent baited positions. A) Small arrows represent individual means calculated from...
Kranstedt A, Lücking A, Pfeiffer T, Rieser H, Staudacher M. Measuring and Reconstructing Pointing in...
<p>Mean pointing consistency scores (95% confidence intervals) for decision and non-decision-point o...
<p>Landmarks (LM) were presented in combination with an arrow pointing either left, straight or righ...
(A) An example image of the pointer stimulus, here with an angle of + 48.2° from straight down, show...
A-C Movement patterns for each of the 20 participants in each condition are shown overlaid as black ...
<p>Each line represents a participant; each row of the figure indicates a composite face condition, ...
<p>(<b>a</b>) Two trials of a single participant (P8) for one object orientation (blue and red lines...
We investigated how the visibility of targets influenced the type of point used to provide direction...
<p>In the sustained touching trials the subject was released while the experimenter was still touchi...
(A) The eleven landmarks of the hand that each participant was asked to locate throughout the experi...
<p>Testing paradigm (referenced visual localisation, Panel A; pointing, Panel B) and example data fo...
<p>A) Experimental setup. B) time course of one single trial. Participants initiated the trial by ta...
The black dots show the participant’s localization response to a panned white-noise stimulus. The bl...
<p>The cue indicates the location of the two quadrants that need to be processed. The example here s...
<p>Black dots represent baited positions. A) Small arrows represent individual means calculated from...
Kranstedt A, Lücking A, Pfeiffer T, Rieser H, Staudacher M. Measuring and Reconstructing Pointing in...
<p>Mean pointing consistency scores (95% confidence intervals) for decision and non-decision-point o...
<p>Landmarks (LM) were presented in combination with an arrow pointing either left, straight or righ...
(A) An example image of the pointer stimulus, here with an angle of + 48.2° from straight down, show...
A-C Movement patterns for each of the 20 participants in each condition are shown overlaid as black ...
<p>Each line represents a participant; each row of the figure indicates a composite face condition, ...
<p>(<b>a</b>) Two trials of a single participant (P8) for one object orientation (blue and red lines...
We investigated how the visibility of targets influenced the type of point used to provide direction...
<p>In the sustained touching trials the subject was released while the experimenter was still touchi...