Alpha diversity indices, season, sex, gut region, longitude, latitude, and body mass for individual samples. (XLSX 68 kb
Additional information regarding the observations of finch feeding behavior, core microbiome results...
Figure S1. Barplot showing the compositional (relative) abundance of microorganisms defined at the p...
Figure S2. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination of Galápagos finch gut microbial co...
Distribution of raw OTU counts among gut regions and individual samples. (XLSX 323 kb
Taxonomy and distribution of CSS-normalized and Log2-transformed OTU counts among gut regions and in...
Results of PERMANOVAs for the effect of the season, sex, gut region, longitude, latitude, body mass,...
OTU accumulation plots. Individual birds were added in the order they were sampled. (PDF 124 kb
LEfSe scores and FDR-corrected P-values for microbial taxa most likely responsible for differences a...
Voucher specimens deposited at the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), sam...
Results of Tukeyâs multiple comparison tests for β-diversity dispersion (differences in average d...
LEfSe scores and FDR corrected P-values for microbial taxa most likely responsible for differences b...
Radar plots summarizing LEfSe results at the genus level. Each radial line represents a genus signif...
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Top 10 phylum in different sections of the gut in commercially raised la...
Table S1. Taxonomic composition of Galápagos finch gut microbial communities, from Illumina 16S rRNA...
Table S2. Microbiome diversity averages for all finch species measured in this study, along with sam...
Additional information regarding the observations of finch feeding behavior, core microbiome results...
Figure S1. Barplot showing the compositional (relative) abundance of microorganisms defined at the p...
Figure S2. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination of Galápagos finch gut microbial co...
Distribution of raw OTU counts among gut regions and individual samples. (XLSX 323 kb
Taxonomy and distribution of CSS-normalized and Log2-transformed OTU counts among gut regions and in...
Results of PERMANOVAs for the effect of the season, sex, gut region, longitude, latitude, body mass,...
OTU accumulation plots. Individual birds were added in the order they were sampled. (PDF 124 kb
LEfSe scores and FDR-corrected P-values for microbial taxa most likely responsible for differences a...
Voucher specimens deposited at the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), sam...
Results of Tukeyâs multiple comparison tests for β-diversity dispersion (differences in average d...
LEfSe scores and FDR corrected P-values for microbial taxa most likely responsible for differences b...
Radar plots summarizing LEfSe results at the genus level. Each radial line represents a genus signif...
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Top 10 phylum in different sections of the gut in commercially raised la...
Table S1. Taxonomic composition of Galápagos finch gut microbial communities, from Illumina 16S rRNA...
Table S2. Microbiome diversity averages for all finch species measured in this study, along with sam...
Additional information regarding the observations of finch feeding behavior, core microbiome results...
Figure S1. Barplot showing the compositional (relative) abundance of microorganisms defined at the p...
Figure S2. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination of Galápagos finch gut microbial co...