Detected clusters based on the modes of spatiotemporally changing physical co-presence indices in Central Shanghai.</p
<p>Spatial clusters and outliers, identified by the local Moran’s index, for emissions of waste wate...
<p>Space-time representations of clusters as detected by space-time scan statistics.</p
<p>ILI cluster detection by using a space-time permutation model in a rural area, China, 2009/2010 i...
<p>The detected most likely purely spatial clusters of Beijing HFMD, 2008–2012.</p
Spatial-temporal clustering map of the land–sea convergenomics in Circum-Bohai Sea cities.</p
<p>Detected times of spatiotemporal clusters of HFMD in mainland China, 2008–2012.</p
<p>Descriptive statistics of scrub typhus spatial clusters detected by Local Indicators of Spatial A...
<p>Spatial distribution of clusters detected by ST-DBSCAN by (A) occurrence time, (B) duration, and ...
*<p>Significant clusters with P<0.01;</p><p><$>\scale 60%\raster="rg1"<$>1: Primary cluster;</p>#<p>...
Cluster map for local spatial autocorrelation analysis of TB notification rate in Guangxi, 2010–2016...
<p>The results of space-time cluster analysis for mild cases of Zhejiang Province, 2008–2012.</p
MOST, China 2009ZX10004-201 2008BA156B02 2007DFC20180 2006BAK01A13;NSFC 41023 010;CAS, China KZCX...
<p>Space-time clusters of reported scrub typhus cases in Guangzhou city, China, 2006–2012.</p
((Annotation of streets (a), mean values of the physical presence density (b), cognitive cost (c), a...
<p>Univariate Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) cluster maps for Beijing HFMD incidence...
<p>Spatial clusters and outliers, identified by the local Moran’s index, for emissions of waste wate...
<p>Space-time representations of clusters as detected by space-time scan statistics.</p
<p>ILI cluster detection by using a space-time permutation model in a rural area, China, 2009/2010 i...
<p>The detected most likely purely spatial clusters of Beijing HFMD, 2008–2012.</p
Spatial-temporal clustering map of the land–sea convergenomics in Circum-Bohai Sea cities.</p
<p>Detected times of spatiotemporal clusters of HFMD in mainland China, 2008–2012.</p
<p>Descriptive statistics of scrub typhus spatial clusters detected by Local Indicators of Spatial A...
<p>Spatial distribution of clusters detected by ST-DBSCAN by (A) occurrence time, (B) duration, and ...
*<p>Significant clusters with P<0.01;</p><p><$>\scale 60%\raster="rg1"<$>1: Primary cluster;</p>#<p>...
Cluster map for local spatial autocorrelation analysis of TB notification rate in Guangxi, 2010–2016...
<p>The results of space-time cluster analysis for mild cases of Zhejiang Province, 2008–2012.</p
MOST, China 2009ZX10004-201 2008BA156B02 2007DFC20180 2006BAK01A13;NSFC 41023 010;CAS, China KZCX...
<p>Space-time clusters of reported scrub typhus cases in Guangzhou city, China, 2006–2012.</p
((Annotation of streets (a), mean values of the physical presence density (b), cognitive cost (c), a...
<p>Univariate Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) cluster maps for Beijing HFMD incidence...
<p>Spatial clusters and outliers, identified by the local Moran’s index, for emissions of waste wate...
<p>Space-time representations of clusters as detected by space-time scan statistics.</p
<p>ILI cluster detection by using a space-time permutation model in a rural area, China, 2009/2010 i...