The Figure depicts both performance for PD´s and controls. * depicts the significant differences at p < 0.05. C.E.–Commission Errors.</p
<p>Error bars indicate uncertainty in the true mean changes with 90% confidence intervals. Light gre...
<p>A: Stacked difference scores (follow-up compared to session 1) for the five trained tasks for the...
<p>(A) Average values of the amount of inhibition computed for D1 and D2 conditions during force and...
Figure depicts both performance for PD´s and controls. * depicts the significant differences at < 0....
Figure depicts both performance for PD´s and controls. * depicts the significant differences at < 0....
a) Regression plots depicting mean CE of each PD patient and control vs. RT for the go/nogo task. b)...
<p>Error bars represent the standard error of the mean of the individual means.</p
*P ★P < 0.05 versus control group. The error bars represent the standard deviation of SFI for each g...
<p>Mean values of Motor Involvement Index for the four AO+MI conditions over left and right hemisphe...
<p>3a. The average Z score for the ROI in the anterior paracingulate gyrus for each control (blue) a...
<p><b>A</b>) left superior temporal gyrus. <b>B</b>) right superior temporal gyrus. <b>C</b>) poster...
<p>Mean values of Motor Involvement Index (MII) for the AO+MI (averaged across all conditions) and h...
<p>To avoid overlap for participants with similar scores, participants are binned into groups on the...
<p>(A) Mean evaluation scores in the congruent-green and incongruent-blue conditions of the practice...
*P ★P < 0.05 versus control group. The error bars represent the standard deviation of number of moto...
<p>Error bars indicate uncertainty in the true mean changes with 90% confidence intervals. Light gre...
<p>A: Stacked difference scores (follow-up compared to session 1) for the five trained tasks for the...
<p>(A) Average values of the amount of inhibition computed for D1 and D2 conditions during force and...
Figure depicts both performance for PD´s and controls. * depicts the significant differences at < 0....
Figure depicts both performance for PD´s and controls. * depicts the significant differences at < 0....
a) Regression plots depicting mean CE of each PD patient and control vs. RT for the go/nogo task. b)...
<p>Error bars represent the standard error of the mean of the individual means.</p
*P ★P < 0.05 versus control group. The error bars represent the standard deviation of SFI for each g...
<p>Mean values of Motor Involvement Index for the four AO+MI conditions over left and right hemisphe...
<p>3a. The average Z score for the ROI in the anterior paracingulate gyrus for each control (blue) a...
<p><b>A</b>) left superior temporal gyrus. <b>B</b>) right superior temporal gyrus. <b>C</b>) poster...
<p>Mean values of Motor Involvement Index (MII) for the AO+MI (averaged across all conditions) and h...
<p>To avoid overlap for participants with similar scores, participants are binned into groups on the...
<p>(A) Mean evaluation scores in the congruent-green and incongruent-blue conditions of the practice...
*P ★P < 0.05 versus control group. The error bars represent the standard deviation of number of moto...
<p>Error bars indicate uncertainty in the true mean changes with 90% confidence intervals. Light gre...
<p>A: Stacked difference scores (follow-up compared to session 1) for the five trained tasks for the...
<p>(A) Average values of the amount of inhibition computed for D1 and D2 conditions during force and...