In this talk I report on a recent sum rule calculation of the bag parameter for B Bbar mixing. We show that for this particular case the sum rule calculation yields a result with a precision that is competitive to the one of the most recent lattice calculations. The reason for this is that the QCD sum rule computes the deviation of the bag parameter from unity, which is small. Although the QCD sum rule has an accuracy limited to about twenty percent, it is in this case the precision on the deviation form unity. I present the results and compare to the most recent lattice calculations. Finally I present a second result needed to proceed to NNLO precision, which is the calculation of the matching coefficients from QCD to HQET at NNLO.</p
In this Letter. we show how the mixing angles of the standard parameterization add when multiplying ...
Abstract Based on the operator product expansion, the perturbative and nonperturbative contributions...
The bag parameters and the decay constants of neutral B(s)and K mesons were among the non-perturbati...
In this talk I report on a recent sum rule calculation of the bag parameter for B Bbar mixing. We sh...
The mixing of $B_{s/d}$ and $\overline{B}_{s/d}$ mesons constitutes a FCNC process and is therefore...
We use QCD sum rules to compute matrix elements of the Delta B=2 operators appearing in the heavy-qu...
In this talk I report on the results of a recent calculation of the \alpha_s corrections to a three-...
We present a calculation of the B0 - anti-B0 mixing matrix element in the framework of QCD sum rules...
Abstract We consider the effects of a non-vanishing strange-quark mass in the determination of the f...
We use QCD sum rules to determine the difference between moments of the non-singlet structure functi...
In this paper we study QCD and power corrections to sum rules which show up in deep-inelastic lepton...
Abstract The hadronic matrix elements of dimension-six ∆F = 0, 2 operators are crucial inputs for th...
SIGLEAlso published in Phys. Lett., B (22 Sep 1988) v. 212(2) p. 245-250 / FIZ - Fachinformationszze...
We study the work of Leinweber by applying the Continuum Model of QCD Sum Rules (QCDSR) to the analy...
We calculate theB parameter for $K^0 - \bar K^0$mixing in the framework of QCD sum rules for a three...
In this Letter. we show how the mixing angles of the standard parameterization add when multiplying ...
Abstract Based on the operator product expansion, the perturbative and nonperturbative contributions...
The bag parameters and the decay constants of neutral B(s)and K mesons were among the non-perturbati...
In this talk I report on a recent sum rule calculation of the bag parameter for B Bbar mixing. We sh...
The mixing of $B_{s/d}$ and $\overline{B}_{s/d}$ mesons constitutes a FCNC process and is therefore...
We use QCD sum rules to compute matrix elements of the Delta B=2 operators appearing in the heavy-qu...
In this talk I report on the results of a recent calculation of the \alpha_s corrections to a three-...
We present a calculation of the B0 - anti-B0 mixing matrix element in the framework of QCD sum rules...
Abstract We consider the effects of a non-vanishing strange-quark mass in the determination of the f...
We use QCD sum rules to determine the difference between moments of the non-singlet structure functi...
In this paper we study QCD and power corrections to sum rules which show up in deep-inelastic lepton...
Abstract The hadronic matrix elements of dimension-six ∆F = 0, 2 operators are crucial inputs for th...
SIGLEAlso published in Phys. Lett., B (22 Sep 1988) v. 212(2) p. 245-250 / FIZ - Fachinformationszze...
We study the work of Leinweber by applying the Continuum Model of QCD Sum Rules (QCDSR) to the analy...
We calculate theB parameter for $K^0 - \bar K^0$mixing in the framework of QCD sum rules for a three...
In this Letter. we show how the mixing angles of the standard parameterization add when multiplying ...
Abstract Based on the operator product expansion, the perturbative and nonperturbative contributions...
The bag parameters and the decay constants of neutral B(s)and K mesons were among the non-perturbati...