Values represent the mean (±SE) of five independent experiments; different letters indicates that the values are significantly different from controls (P<0.05). ns stands for no significant for the case that all treatments have the same letter.</p
<p>Values with the same superscript letter were not significantly different between treatments (P>0....
<p>Different letters within the same column represent significant differences at the 5% level based ...
<p>Numbers in the “change” columns represent fractional change when comparing the PVP-AgNPs, GA-AgNP...
<p>Different letters above each variable represent significant difference between treatments, while ...
<p>C, S and P represent the switchgrass cultivar, the saline concentration and the pH.</p
<p>Significant values (<0.025) are in bold, marginally significant values (<0.05) are in italics. Th...
<p>Different letters above each variable represent significant difference between treatments, while ...
<p>Each treatment has five replicates. The result was shown in mean value and stand deviation. The d...
<p>Notes: Means with similar letter(s) have no significant difference while different letters a,b,c,...
<p>Wet soil means watered, and dry soil means not watered. Significant differences among treatments ...
<p>Different letters above bars indicate significantly different at <i>P</i> = 0.05.</p
<p><i>P</i> is the significance of ANOVA (<i>ns</i>: non-significant differences). The continuous ho...
<p>Mean weight (g per 100 seeds) ±1 SE recorded in Ohio (a) and in Iowa (b). Mean weight for each bi...
<p>Values are the means of four biological repetitions ± 1 standard error (SE). Statistically non-si...
<p>Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (<i>P</i>≤0.05).</p
<p>Values with the same superscript letter were not significantly different between treatments (P>0....
<p>Different letters within the same column represent significant differences at the 5% level based ...
<p>Numbers in the “change” columns represent fractional change when comparing the PVP-AgNPs, GA-AgNP...
<p>Different letters above each variable represent significant difference between treatments, while ...
<p>C, S and P represent the switchgrass cultivar, the saline concentration and the pH.</p
<p>Significant values (<0.025) are in bold, marginally significant values (<0.05) are in italics. Th...
<p>Different letters above each variable represent significant difference between treatments, while ...
<p>Each treatment has five replicates. The result was shown in mean value and stand deviation. The d...
<p>Notes: Means with similar letter(s) have no significant difference while different letters a,b,c,...
<p>Wet soil means watered, and dry soil means not watered. Significant differences among treatments ...
<p>Different letters above bars indicate significantly different at <i>P</i> = 0.05.</p
<p><i>P</i> is the significance of ANOVA (<i>ns</i>: non-significant differences). The continuous ho...
<p>Mean weight (g per 100 seeds) ±1 SE recorded in Ohio (a) and in Iowa (b). Mean weight for each bi...
<p>Values are the means of four biological repetitions ± 1 standard error (SE). Statistically non-si...
<p>Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (<i>P</i>≤0.05).</p
<p>Values with the same superscript letter were not significantly different between treatments (P>0....
<p>Different letters within the same column represent significant differences at the 5% level based ...
<p>Numbers in the “change” columns represent fractional change when comparing the PVP-AgNPs, GA-AgNP...