Bars with different letters are significantly different from each another at P ≤ 0.05. Vertical bars indicate standard error (n = 3). D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 indicate plant densities of 150, 250, 350, 450, and 550 seeds m-2, respectively.</p
<p>Mean leaf area index across all grass species for each CO<sub>2</sub>×physiology and CO<sub>2</su...
<p>(A) The seed yield of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2010–2011. (B) The seed yield of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2011–201...
<p>AW, autumn-germinating plants watered; SW, spring-germinating plants watered; SNW, spring-germina...
<p>Error bars represent the standard deviation of the mean. Different lower-case letters indicate si...
FI: Furrow irrigation; MS: Micro-sprinkler irrigation; PF: Plastic film mulching irrigation; PF+MS: ...
<p>Effects of irrigation rate, cultivar, and their interaction on selected vegetative growth paramet...
<p>Error bars represent standard errors of the means. Bars marked by the different letter are signif...
<p>Error bars denote the standard error of the mean. Bars with the same letters above are not signif...
Analysis of variance of the effects of irrigation (I), nitrogen fertilization (N) and cropping seaso...
<p>(A) Fruit RGR. (B) Shoot RGR. Data shows mean values ± standard error. Labels and statistics are ...
<p>(A) and (B) Number of primary branches per unit area of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2010–2011 and 2011–2012,...
<p>Root length density at flowering (1 August in 2011, and 4 August in 2012) of cultivar Ninggeng28 ...
<p>The numbers on the abscissa represent the days before (negative value), during (zero) and after (...
The determination coefficients of the relationships between the measured agronomic parameters (green...
<p>The results show averages of three replicates, and error bars indicate ± SD.</p
<p>Mean leaf area index across all grass species for each CO<sub>2</sub>×physiology and CO<sub>2</su...
<p>(A) The seed yield of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2010–2011. (B) The seed yield of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2011–201...
<p>AW, autumn-germinating plants watered; SW, spring-germinating plants watered; SNW, spring-germina...
<p>Error bars represent the standard deviation of the mean. Different lower-case letters indicate si...
FI: Furrow irrigation; MS: Micro-sprinkler irrigation; PF: Plastic film mulching irrigation; PF+MS: ...
<p>Effects of irrigation rate, cultivar, and their interaction on selected vegetative growth paramet...
<p>Error bars represent standard errors of the means. Bars marked by the different letter are signif...
<p>Error bars denote the standard error of the mean. Bars with the same letters above are not signif...
Analysis of variance of the effects of irrigation (I), nitrogen fertilization (N) and cropping seaso...
<p>(A) Fruit RGR. (B) Shoot RGR. Data shows mean values ± standard error. Labels and statistics are ...
<p>(A) and (B) Number of primary branches per unit area of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2010–2011 and 2011–2012,...
<p>Root length density at flowering (1 August in 2011, and 4 August in 2012) of cultivar Ninggeng28 ...
<p>The numbers on the abscissa represent the days before (negative value), during (zero) and after (...
The determination coefficients of the relationships between the measured agronomic parameters (green...
<p>The results show averages of three replicates, and error bars indicate ± SD.</p
<p>Mean leaf area index across all grass species for each CO<sub>2</sub>×physiology and CO<sub>2</su...
<p>(A) The seed yield of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2010–2011. (B) The seed yield of ZS11 and HYZ9 in 2011–201...
<p>AW, autumn-germinating plants watered; SW, spring-germinating plants watered; SNW, spring-germina...