Means, standard deviations, and effect sizes for pieces of important-private information being shared as a function of power and goal.</p
<p>The mean strengths and statistical frequency and standard deviations over subjects and stimuli.</...
Means, standard deviations, minimum, and maximum scores, effect sizes (with confidence intervals, an...
<p>Means and Standard Deviations for entitativity perceptions and support for punishment as a functi...
<p>Means, standard deviations and effect sizes obtained from the two categories of affect for groups...
<p>Means, Standard Deviations, Significance Tests, Effect Sizes, and Confidence Intervals for the Ma...
Means, standard deviations and effect sizes (Cohen’s d) of the observed and estimated marginal means...
Means and Standard deviations for the proportion of focus (0 = Own, 1 = Other) and basking/ distanci...
Means, standard deviations, and sample sizes for all measures in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2.</p
<p>Observed means, standard deviations, and effect sizes (Coheńs) d of primary and secondary outcome...
Means (M), standard deviation (SD), and within-group effect sizes (Cohen’s d) for participant outcom...
Measurement and effect size information of study samples included in the meta-analysis.</p
Measurement and effect size information of study samples included in the meta-analysis.</p
<p>*standard deviation imputed from other studies; **means and standard deviations provided upon req...
Means and standard deviations for the sums of the harms (by respondent) based on 4-point and 10-poin...
Effect sizes (with confidence intervals) for the dependent variables without any adjustments, after ...
<p>The mean strengths and statistical frequency and standard deviations over subjects and stimuli.</...
Means, standard deviations, minimum, and maximum scores, effect sizes (with confidence intervals, an...
<p>Means and Standard Deviations for entitativity perceptions and support for punishment as a functi...
<p>Means, standard deviations and effect sizes obtained from the two categories of affect for groups...
<p>Means, Standard Deviations, Significance Tests, Effect Sizes, and Confidence Intervals for the Ma...
Means, standard deviations and effect sizes (Cohen’s d) of the observed and estimated marginal means...
Means and Standard deviations for the proportion of focus (0 = Own, 1 = Other) and basking/ distanci...
Means, standard deviations, and sample sizes for all measures in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2.</p
<p>Observed means, standard deviations, and effect sizes (Coheńs) d of primary and secondary outcome...
Means (M), standard deviation (SD), and within-group effect sizes (Cohen’s d) for participant outcom...
Measurement and effect size information of study samples included in the meta-analysis.</p
Measurement and effect size information of study samples included in the meta-analysis.</p
<p>*standard deviation imputed from other studies; **means and standard deviations provided upon req...
Means and standard deviations for the sums of the harms (by respondent) based on 4-point and 10-poin...
Effect sizes (with confidence intervals) for the dependent variables without any adjustments, after ...
<p>The mean strengths and statistical frequency and standard deviations over subjects and stimuli.</...
Means, standard deviations, minimum, and maximum scores, effect sizes (with confidence intervals, an...
<p>Means and Standard Deviations for entitativity perceptions and support for punishment as a functi...