Figure S1. Phenotypic comparison between WT and ostkpr1 T-DNA insertion mutant. a Plants after bolting. b Spikeltes after removal of the lemma and palea. c WT pollen grains stained with 2% I2-KI solution. d Stage 13 pollen grains of ostkpr1 stained with 2% I2-KI solution showing no pollen grains. e-j SEM observation for the WT (e, g, i) and ostkpr1 (f, h, j) anthers and pollens. e, f The epidermal surface of WT (e) and ostkpr1 (f) anthers. g, h SEM observation for the WT (g) and ostkpr1 (h) pollen grains. i, j The enlarged view of the surface of WT (i) and ostkpr1 pollen grains. Bars = 1 mm in b, 200 μm in c, d, 10 μm in e, f, 20 μm in g, h and 5 μm in i, j. (JPG 993 kb
Figure S1. Sequence alignment of amino acids of OsDWARF4 and PMM1/OsDWARF11. (a) Sequence alignment ...
Details of primers used in this study. Figure S1. Confirmation of the presence of aberrant transcrip...
Figure S2. Pollen grains from BET11/12 mutants show reduced pollen tube growth in vivo but no develo...
Figure S2. Spatio-temporal expression of OsTKPR1 in rice grown in the field. Data were obtained from...
Figure S4. Weight/Surface area ratio of WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. The weight/surface area ratio of...
Table S3. Detailed cutin composition of the WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. (DOCX 17 kb
Figure S1. a. Order of developmental stages for anatomical samples. ACF, formation of archesporial c...
Complementation of osacos12 by OsACOS12 genomic. a, e SEM observation for the WT (a) and C-osacos12 ...
Figure S3. Amino acid sequences alignment of OsTKPR1 and AtTKPR1. Sequences were aligned using Clust...
Figure S6. SEM and TEM analysis of the pollen grain and anther surfaces at stage 12 in WT and osabcg...
Additional file 1: Fig. S1 Plants of wild-type and ws1-1. Fig. S2 Sugar content of the fluid obtaine...
Figure S4. Characterization of osabcg3 mutants in janponica Wuyungeng 7. a The site on OsABCG3 targe...
Figure S1. Female fertility of osabcg3–1 and osabcg3–2 mutants. The seed set of osnp1–1, osabcg3–1 a...
Figure S1. Schematic representation of rice plant, panicle architecture, and spikelet development. (...
Figure S2. Comparison of the plant architecture of S142, 430, and pds at the vegetative stage. (A) M...
Figure S1. Sequence alignment of amino acids of OsDWARF4 and PMM1/OsDWARF11. (a) Sequence alignment ...
Details of primers used in this study. Figure S1. Confirmation of the presence of aberrant transcrip...
Figure S2. Pollen grains from BET11/12 mutants show reduced pollen tube growth in vivo but no develo...
Figure S2. Spatio-temporal expression of OsTKPR1 in rice grown in the field. Data were obtained from...
Figure S4. Weight/Surface area ratio of WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. The weight/surface area ratio of...
Table S3. Detailed cutin composition of the WT and ostkpr1â2 anthers. (DOCX 17 kb
Figure S1. a. Order of developmental stages for anatomical samples. ACF, formation of archesporial c...
Complementation of osacos12 by OsACOS12 genomic. a, e SEM observation for the WT (a) and C-osacos12 ...
Figure S3. Amino acid sequences alignment of OsTKPR1 and AtTKPR1. Sequences were aligned using Clust...
Figure S6. SEM and TEM analysis of the pollen grain and anther surfaces at stage 12 in WT and osabcg...
Additional file 1: Fig. S1 Plants of wild-type and ws1-1. Fig. S2 Sugar content of the fluid obtaine...
Figure S4. Characterization of osabcg3 mutants in janponica Wuyungeng 7. a The site on OsABCG3 targe...
Figure S1. Female fertility of osabcg3–1 and osabcg3–2 mutants. The seed set of osnp1–1, osabcg3–1 a...
Figure S1. Schematic representation of rice plant, panicle architecture, and spikelet development. (...
Figure S2. Comparison of the plant architecture of S142, 430, and pds at the vegetative stage. (A) M...
Figure S1. Sequence alignment of amino acids of OsDWARF4 and PMM1/OsDWARF11. (a) Sequence alignment ...
Details of primers used in this study. Figure S1. Confirmation of the presence of aberrant transcrip...
Figure S2. Pollen grains from BET11/12 mutants show reduced pollen tube growth in vivo but no develo...