Table S12. The predicted phage-host interactions in the independent cohort of humans treated with antibiotics at species level. (XLSX 52âKB) (XLSX 40 kb
Whole-genome map of subcluster B5 phages. Represented as mentioned above. (PDF 271 kb
Table S3. DESeq2 test results for differential abundance of putative phage contigs in six faecal sam...
Text file contains the M. tuberculosis H37Rv genes that target human cancer/immune signaling pathway...
Table S10. The number of identified phage contigs for each sample in the independent cohort of human...
Table S13. The predictive performance of the method for phage contig identification in Paez-Espino e...
Table S3. The number of putative metagenomic phage contigs and non-phage contigs in metagenomic asse...
Table S1. Sample information of human gut microbial metagenomic data and matched phageomes used in t...
Table S14. The paired viral-microbial metagenomic data from Tara Oceans samples used in this study. ...
Table S16. The predictive performance of the RF model trained with mixed Tara Oceans metagenomic dat...
Table S17. The predictive performance of the RF model trained only with Tara Oceans metagenomic samp...
Metaviromes reads associated with human and bacterial genomes. Percentage of reads are based on 5,00...
Table S15. The predictive performance of VirMiner in the metagenomic data from Tara Oceans samples. ...
Table S8. Comparison with VirMiner, VirSorter, and VirFinder for contigs >â3âkb based on reads r...
Table S2. Description of faecal samples used in the study and summary of nucleic acid extraction and...
Figure S1. Percentage of reads aligned to conserved segment of bacterial cpn60 gene and rRNA genes o...
Whole-genome map of subcluster B5 phages. Represented as mentioned above. (PDF 271 kb
Table S3. DESeq2 test results for differential abundance of putative phage contigs in six faecal sam...
Text file contains the M. tuberculosis H37Rv genes that target human cancer/immune signaling pathway...
Table S10. The number of identified phage contigs for each sample in the independent cohort of human...
Table S13. The predictive performance of the method for phage contig identification in Paez-Espino e...
Table S3. The number of putative metagenomic phage contigs and non-phage contigs in metagenomic asse...
Table S1. Sample information of human gut microbial metagenomic data and matched phageomes used in t...
Table S14. The paired viral-microbial metagenomic data from Tara Oceans samples used in this study. ...
Table S16. The predictive performance of the RF model trained with mixed Tara Oceans metagenomic dat...
Table S17. The predictive performance of the RF model trained only with Tara Oceans metagenomic samp...
Metaviromes reads associated with human and bacterial genomes. Percentage of reads are based on 5,00...
Table S15. The predictive performance of VirMiner in the metagenomic data from Tara Oceans samples. ...
Table S8. Comparison with VirMiner, VirSorter, and VirFinder for contigs >â3âkb based on reads r...
Table S2. Description of faecal samples used in the study and summary of nucleic acid extraction and...
Figure S1. Percentage of reads aligned to conserved segment of bacterial cpn60 gene and rRNA genes o...
Whole-genome map of subcluster B5 phages. Represented as mentioned above. (PDF 271 kb
Table S3. DESeq2 test results for differential abundance of putative phage contigs in six faecal sam...
Text file contains the M. tuberculosis H37Rv genes that target human cancer/immune signaling pathway...