ABSTRACT This study examined the information constraining volleyball blockers’ decision-making as they attempted to anticipate an opponent's shot. The role of the ball flight information emerging from the interaction between the digger and the setter was investigated. In the first experiment a kinematic analysis of the ball trajectory was run in order to determine its influence on setter’s action. In the second experiment players were asked to predict the block location by watching a video involving (i) the complete ball flight or (ii) only the final ball flight. It was verified that the setting occurred more frequently to the outside hitter when setter was far from the net (experiment 1). In addition, it was found that the ball flight info...
This paper aimed at comparing expert and novice volleyball players in a visuomotor task using realis...
In this study, we investigated the visual search strategy of receivers in volleyball, using their ju...
ABSTRACT. The authors examined 13 skilled and 12 novice tennis performers ’ ability to use visual in...
cannot be understand due to the motor response that are very quick. The focus is always the time oc...
In volleyball, the ball is constantly fast and often the single game action cannot be understand du...
To extend research on decision-making in sport we addressed the choices volleyball- players are face...
To extend research on decision-making in sport we addressed the choices volleyball-players are faced...
The aim of the study was to determine how different variables of the setting action affect to the bl...
Previous research highlighted that early visual information has a key role in ball sports, as its co...
A kinematical study of Read and Commit block in Volleyball Introduction Two tactic systems are u...
This study investigated how information emerging from interpersonal coordination affects the decisio...
The aim of this study was to investigate the volleyball setter’s decisionmaking on tipping, based o...
In this study we examined the visual search behavioral differences between experts and non-experts d...
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between cognitive and motor processes i...
Aim. This research aimed at better understanding the relationship between gaze strategy and anticipa...
This paper aimed at comparing expert and novice volleyball players in a visuomotor task using realis...
In this study, we investigated the visual search strategy of receivers in volleyball, using their ju...
ABSTRACT. The authors examined 13 skilled and 12 novice tennis performers ’ ability to use visual in...
cannot be understand due to the motor response that are very quick. The focus is always the time oc...
In volleyball, the ball is constantly fast and often the single game action cannot be understand du...
To extend research on decision-making in sport we addressed the choices volleyball- players are face...
To extend research on decision-making in sport we addressed the choices volleyball-players are faced...
The aim of the study was to determine how different variables of the setting action affect to the bl...
Previous research highlighted that early visual information has a key role in ball sports, as its co...
A kinematical study of Read and Commit block in Volleyball Introduction Two tactic systems are u...
This study investigated how information emerging from interpersonal coordination affects the decisio...
The aim of this study was to investigate the volleyball setter’s decisionmaking on tipping, based o...
In this study we examined the visual search behavioral differences between experts and non-experts d...
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between cognitive and motor processes i...
Aim. This research aimed at better understanding the relationship between gaze strategy and anticipa...
This paper aimed at comparing expert and novice volleyball players in a visuomotor task using realis...
In this study, we investigated the visual search strategy of receivers in volleyball, using their ju...
ABSTRACT. The authors examined 13 skilled and 12 novice tennis performers ’ ability to use visual in...