Synthesis of a target metabolite represents a MT. For each MT, we enumerated alternative MiNs. The number of reactions in each MiN represents the size of the MiN. “# Alt” and “# MT HFRs” represent the number of alternatives and the number of overlapping reactions between all alternatives of a given MT, respectively. The symbol “#Phenotypic HFRs” represents the number of overlapping reactions from all alternatives of a set of MTs that are associated with a given phenotype.</p
Distributions of metabolites detected by chemical class, and metabolites that were significantly ass...
<p>L, lactate; LPR, lactate-to-pyruvate ratio; N, number of readings; %, percentage.</p>a<p>Median (...
<p>(A) Venn diagrams representing number of common and unique metabolites detected in cell lysates o...
This provides a summary of key metabolites associated with the four phenotypes and their correspondi...
Summary of uptake/production rates and yield coefficients of metabolites under different cellular me...
<p>Summary of the reactions and parameters involved in the lumped AA and LA metabolism under investi...
Selected metabolites as identified using CFS, PLS-DA, COR-LVQ and their common compounds.</p
<p>Venn diagram representing the 15 most discriminating metabolites in PLS-DA models which are assoc...
<p>Venn diagram showing the 15 most discriminating metabolites in PLS-DA models which are associated...
<p>Compounds are displayed as unchanged (green bars), or significantly increased (blue bars), or sig...
A MiN of H2O2 synthesis is illustrated. Each box represents a different metabolic subsystem/pathway....
<p>(A) Heat map representation of substrates and methylated products of major SAM-derived transmethy...
The number of HFRs in the various pathways is shown for the oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflamma...
<p>The identified differential metabolites and pathways responsible for the progression from HU to H...
a<p>Metabolites: (*) represents a material which has not been identified.</p>b<p>Variable importance...
Distributions of metabolites detected by chemical class, and metabolites that were significantly ass...
<p>L, lactate; LPR, lactate-to-pyruvate ratio; N, number of readings; %, percentage.</p>a<p>Median (...
<p>(A) Venn diagrams representing number of common and unique metabolites detected in cell lysates o...
This provides a summary of key metabolites associated with the four phenotypes and their correspondi...
Summary of uptake/production rates and yield coefficients of metabolites under different cellular me...
<p>Summary of the reactions and parameters involved in the lumped AA and LA metabolism under investi...
Selected metabolites as identified using CFS, PLS-DA, COR-LVQ and their common compounds.</p
<p>Venn diagram representing the 15 most discriminating metabolites in PLS-DA models which are assoc...
<p>Venn diagram showing the 15 most discriminating metabolites in PLS-DA models which are associated...
<p>Compounds are displayed as unchanged (green bars), or significantly increased (blue bars), or sig...
A MiN of H2O2 synthesis is illustrated. Each box represents a different metabolic subsystem/pathway....
<p>(A) Heat map representation of substrates and methylated products of major SAM-derived transmethy...
The number of HFRs in the various pathways is shown for the oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflamma...
<p>The identified differential metabolites and pathways responsible for the progression from HU to H...
a<p>Metabolites: (*) represents a material which has not been identified.</p>b<p>Variable importance...
Distributions of metabolites detected by chemical class, and metabolites that were significantly ass...
<p>L, lactate; LPR, lactate-to-pyruvate ratio; N, number of readings; %, percentage.</p>a<p>Median (...
<p>(A) Venn diagrams representing number of common and unique metabolites detected in cell lysates o...