(A) Snapshot of simulations with far-field separation Δz∞ = 70nm and Δz∞ = 100nm. Parameters used for both are rcell = 1 μm (for clarity the full simulation domain is not show), rfree = 200 nm, σ0 = 0. At these parameters, this force is sufficient to drive Δz z∞. Inset shows non-monotonic behavior where the time series cross. (C) Time until Δz Fig 7).</p
<p>Initial configuration of cells is random, as in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info...
Single and collective cell dynamics, cell shape changes, and cell migration can be conveniently repr...
<p>Since five simulations were performed for each force field, five values are represented with diff...
(A) The number of edges as a function of atoms for sparsification, thresholding, and the combined al...
(A) Active force of F = 20 pN applied to single membrane. Simulations including thermal undulations ...
<p>The data show a force range between 20 and 800 nN (red: approach, blue: retraction curve). The ma...
(A) Two cells, here depicted as spheres, pushed together by a force F. (B) Schematic of model geomet...
<p>A: Possible molecular mechanisms of nuclear interaction via MT generated forces (1-8; see key bot...
<p>The pulling geometries are (A,B) N-C pulling in e2lip3, (C,D) N-41 pulling in e2lip3, (E,F) N-C p...
While molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are routinely used to interpret atomic force microscopy (A...
<p>comparison with experimental data from (<b>a</b>) Hategan et al. <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol...
<p>(a) Time sequence of brightfield images of typical beads in the nuclei of untreated cells in the ...
<p>T<sub>0</sub> was determined when the preset force was reached. At t = 120 s and t = 300 s, respe...
<p>Simulation of dividing cells in both non-adherent (A; <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/articl...
This matrix was obtained from a simulation with mean firing rate 20 Hz, place field size 16 cm, and ...
<p>Initial configuration of cells is random, as in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info...
Single and collective cell dynamics, cell shape changes, and cell migration can be conveniently repr...
<p>Since five simulations were performed for each force field, five values are represented with diff...
(A) The number of edges as a function of atoms for sparsification, thresholding, and the combined al...
(A) Active force of F = 20 pN applied to single membrane. Simulations including thermal undulations ...
<p>The data show a force range between 20 and 800 nN (red: approach, blue: retraction curve). The ma...
(A) Two cells, here depicted as spheres, pushed together by a force F. (B) Schematic of model geomet...
<p>A: Possible molecular mechanisms of nuclear interaction via MT generated forces (1-8; see key bot...
<p>The pulling geometries are (A,B) N-C pulling in e2lip3, (C,D) N-41 pulling in e2lip3, (E,F) N-C p...
While molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are routinely used to interpret atomic force microscopy (A...
<p>comparison with experimental data from (<b>a</b>) Hategan et al. <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol...
<p>(a) Time sequence of brightfield images of typical beads in the nuclei of untreated cells in the ...
<p>T<sub>0</sub> was determined when the preset force was reached. At t = 120 s and t = 300 s, respe...
<p>Simulation of dividing cells in both non-adherent (A; <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/articl...
This matrix was obtained from a simulation with mean firing rate 20 Hz, place field size 16 cm, and ...
<p>Initial configuration of cells is random, as in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info...
Single and collective cell dynamics, cell shape changes, and cell migration can be conveniently repr...
<p>Since five simulations were performed for each force field, five values are represented with diff...