Motif alteration signatures heatmap where the vertical axis corresponds to the 30 mutational signatures and the horizontal axis corresponds to the 512 motifs in JASPAR database. A kclust=4 PAM clustering performed over the TF alteration probability. The TF family is indicated as a colored bar on the right-hand side. (pdf 199 kb
Supplementary methods and results. This document contains supplementary text about the multilevel ma...
Figure S4. Oncoprint showing a subset of mutations in OV. Line plots above the oncoprint shows the t...
Breast cancer gene signature. The full list of 232 genes (probesets) and their ranks for the optimal...
Differential motif alteration (creation minus disruption) heatmap of TF in COSMIC cancer gene census...
Excel sheet containing the predicted alteration frequencies for all JASPAR motifs for all 30 COSMIC ...
(top) UMAP representation of the 2708 WGS samples from PCAWG, according to their exposure to the mut...
Background: Somatic mutations in cancer genomes occur through a variety of molecular mechanisms, whi...
Figure S3. Connectivity in the map between genes and hallmarks. The heatmap indicates the membership...
Relative frequencies of non-coding mutation contexts in different cancer types. (top panel) Three ca...
Table S1. Significant mutually exclusive (ME) and co-occurring (CO) associations across all cancer t...
In many countries, cancer is one of the biggest threats for citizens’ health, especially among aged ...
Figure S1. Mutation patterns of the identified 32 MDGs across 20 TCGA tumor types. Each row represen...
Figure S3. DNA copy number alterations in the IBC cohort. The genes with DNA copy number alterations...
Figure S5. Connectivity in the map between the 25 most frequently mutated genes and hallmarks. Simil...
Relates to Fig. 8b. Integrated gene signature and ontology enrichments for TRAT1 focus gene analysi...
Supplementary methods and results. This document contains supplementary text about the multilevel ma...
Figure S4. Oncoprint showing a subset of mutations in OV. Line plots above the oncoprint shows the t...
Breast cancer gene signature. The full list of 232 genes (probesets) and their ranks for the optimal...
Differential motif alteration (creation minus disruption) heatmap of TF in COSMIC cancer gene census...
Excel sheet containing the predicted alteration frequencies for all JASPAR motifs for all 30 COSMIC ...
(top) UMAP representation of the 2708 WGS samples from PCAWG, according to their exposure to the mut...
Background: Somatic mutations in cancer genomes occur through a variety of molecular mechanisms, whi...
Figure S3. Connectivity in the map between genes and hallmarks. The heatmap indicates the membership...
Relative frequencies of non-coding mutation contexts in different cancer types. (top panel) Three ca...
Table S1. Significant mutually exclusive (ME) and co-occurring (CO) associations across all cancer t...
In many countries, cancer is one of the biggest threats for citizens’ health, especially among aged ...
Figure S1. Mutation patterns of the identified 32 MDGs across 20 TCGA tumor types. Each row represen...
Figure S3. DNA copy number alterations in the IBC cohort. The genes with DNA copy number alterations...
Figure S5. Connectivity in the map between the 25 most frequently mutated genes and hallmarks. Simil...
Relates to Fig. 8b. Integrated gene signature and ontology enrichments for TRAT1 focus gene analysi...
Supplementary methods and results. This document contains supplementary text about the multilevel ma...
Figure S4. Oncoprint showing a subset of mutations in OV. Line plots above the oncoprint shows the t...
Breast cancer gene signature. The full list of 232 genes (probesets) and their ranks for the optimal...