Figure S5 Relative expression levels of key genes in chilling, heat and ROS signaling. qPCR analysis of CBF1 (A), MYB83 (B), HsfA1a (C), HsfA1b (D), Hsp90 (E), CuZnSOD (F), FeSOD (G), CAT (H), ZAT12 (I) and ZAT10 (J) in sha-miR319d-overexpressing lines and WT. T1 generations of transgenic plants as well as WT were treated with chilling or heat for 0 (control) and 8 h. The reference gene was Actin. Each value is the mean of three biological repeats ± the standard deviation (SD). Asterisks indicate significant differences between WT and transgenic plants. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01, Student’s t test. (TIF 402 kb
S1. The genome DNA sequence of CsINV5. 1154Â bp promoter sequence and 7 exons have been highlighted:...
The expression of differentially expressed miRNAs verified by stem-loop qRT-PCR. Actin served as int...
Table S4. List of miRNAs significantly expressed differentially in the CS/CW, HS/CW and HS/HW compar...
Figure S9. Relative expression levels of key genes involved in chilling, heat and ROS signaling (fou...
Figure S3 Identification of sha-miR319d-overexpressing transgenic tomatoes and the effect of sha-miR...
Figure S4 The effect of overexpression of sha-miR319d on ROS accumulation and related enzyme activit...
Figure S7. Phenotype of WT and GAMYB-like1-silenced plants under heat stress. B Phenotypes of WT, Ve...
Figure S2 Sha-miR319d target gene prediction and expression level analysis. A Sha-miR319d target gen...
Figure S1. Sequence analysis of sha-miR319d. Phylogenetic analysis of sha-MIR319d and its homologs a...
Nucleotide bias at each position of identified miRNAs. Y-axis: frequency of A/U/G/C; X-axis: positio...
Heat stress is a severe challenge for plant production, and the use of thermotolerant cultivars is c...
Figure S1. Homologous analysis of ten SAIs protein sequences. Figure S2. Promoter deletion analysis ...
Heat stress is a severe challenge for plant production, and the use of thermotolerant cultivars is c...
HSFA1E and HSF21 TFBS associated to heat stress and ripening in tomato: building, quality controls a...
Figure S4. Constitutive expression of OsWRKY42 had no effect on levels of JA biosynthesis and respon...
S1. The genome DNA sequence of CsINV5. 1154Â bp promoter sequence and 7 exons have been highlighted:...
The expression of differentially expressed miRNAs verified by stem-loop qRT-PCR. Actin served as int...
Table S4. List of miRNAs significantly expressed differentially in the CS/CW, HS/CW and HS/HW compar...
Figure S9. Relative expression levels of key genes involved in chilling, heat and ROS signaling (fou...
Figure S3 Identification of sha-miR319d-overexpressing transgenic tomatoes and the effect of sha-miR...
Figure S4 The effect of overexpression of sha-miR319d on ROS accumulation and related enzyme activit...
Figure S7. Phenotype of WT and GAMYB-like1-silenced plants under heat stress. B Phenotypes of WT, Ve...
Figure S2 Sha-miR319d target gene prediction and expression level analysis. A Sha-miR319d target gen...
Figure S1. Sequence analysis of sha-miR319d. Phylogenetic analysis of sha-MIR319d and its homologs a...
Nucleotide bias at each position of identified miRNAs. Y-axis: frequency of A/U/G/C; X-axis: positio...
Heat stress is a severe challenge for plant production, and the use of thermotolerant cultivars is c...
Figure S1. Homologous analysis of ten SAIs protein sequences. Figure S2. Promoter deletion analysis ...
Heat stress is a severe challenge for plant production, and the use of thermotolerant cultivars is c...
HSFA1E and HSF21 TFBS associated to heat stress and ripening in tomato: building, quality controls a...
Figure S4. Constitutive expression of OsWRKY42 had no effect on levels of JA biosynthesis and respon...
S1. The genome DNA sequence of CsINV5. 1154Â bp promoter sequence and 7 exons have been highlighted:...
The expression of differentially expressed miRNAs verified by stem-loop qRT-PCR. Actin served as int...
Table S4. List of miRNAs significantly expressed differentially in the CS/CW, HS/CW and HS/HW compar...