The Klein Quarry, in Johnson County, Iowa, exposes a unique section of Quaternary deposits. The section extends along the axis of a Late-Sangamon erosion surface. It is mantled by Wisconsinan loess: a 4-5m upper increment of Late-Wisconsinan loess and a thin increment (0.2 to 0.5m) of mixed loess and Wisconsinan-age pedisediment (\u27basal-loess sediments\u27). Some soil development has taken place in the basal-loess sediments (basal-loess paleosol), and this soil merges with the underlying Late-Sangamon Paleosol. The Late-Sangamon erosion surface is developed on Pre-Illinoian age deposits of the Wolf Creek Formation which include (from top to bottom) an upper basal till (the Aurora Till Member), a thin, laminated diamicton, and an underlyi...