OBJECTIVE: To explore the associations of absolute and relative measures of exposure to food retailers with dietary patterns, using simpler and more complex measures. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Urban regions in Belgium, France, Hungary, the Netherlands and the UK.ParticipantsEuropean adults (n 4942). Supermarkets and local food shops were classified as 'food retailers providing healthier options'; fast-food/takeaway restaurants, cafés/bars and convenience/liquor stores as 'food retailers providing less healthy options'. Simpler exposure measures used were density of healthy and density of less healthy food retailers. More complex exposure measures used were: spatial access (combination of density and proximity) to healthy and ...
Background: Access to healthy food is often seen as a potentially important contributor to diet. Pol...
Supermarket food sales data might serve as a simple indicator of population-level dietary habits tha...
BACKGROUND: Evidence for an association between the local food environment, diet and diet-related di...
Objective: To explore the associations of absolute and relative measures of exposure to food retaile...
Ecological studies often use supermarket location as a proxy measure of the food environment. In thi...
PURPOSE: Dietary behaviours may be influenced by perceptions of barriers to healthy eating. Using da...
OBJECTIVE: The retail food environment may be one important determinant of dietary intake. However, ...
Despite considerable research, evidence supporting associations between the ‘Retail Food Environment...
Dietary behaviours may be influenced by perceptions of barriers to healthy eating. Using data from a...
Purpose: To describe the patterns of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) consumption in the Netherlands; to...
Objective: In this study, an instrument was created to measure the healthy and unhealthy characteris...
OBJECTIVE: To explore associations between dietary quality and access to different types of food out...
Background: Access to healthy food is often seen as a potentially important contributor to diet. Pol...
Supermarket food sales data might serve as a simple indicator of population-level dietary habits tha...
BACKGROUND: Evidence for an association between the local food environment, diet and diet-related di...
Objective: To explore the associations of absolute and relative measures of exposure to food retaile...
Ecological studies often use supermarket location as a proxy measure of the food environment. In thi...
PURPOSE: Dietary behaviours may be influenced by perceptions of barriers to healthy eating. Using da...
OBJECTIVE: The retail food environment may be one important determinant of dietary intake. However, ...
Despite considerable research, evidence supporting associations between the ‘Retail Food Environment...
Dietary behaviours may be influenced by perceptions of barriers to healthy eating. Using data from a...
Purpose: To describe the patterns of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) consumption in the Netherlands; to...
Objective: In this study, an instrument was created to measure the healthy and unhealthy characteris...
OBJECTIVE: To explore associations between dietary quality and access to different types of food out...
Background: Access to healthy food is often seen as a potentially important contributor to diet. Pol...
Supermarket food sales data might serve as a simple indicator of population-level dietary habits tha...
BACKGROUND: Evidence for an association between the local food environment, diet and diet-related di...