Le genre Iris appartenant à la famille des Iridacées comprend plus de 220 espèces distribuées à travers l’hémisphère Nord. La section Oncocyclus (Siems.) Baker de ce genre est confinée au Sud-ouest de l’Asie et comprend plus de 65 espèces au statut taxonomique souvent discuté.La présente étude porte sur le complexe d’espèces d’Iris évoluant dans les pays de la Méditerranée orientale : Liban, Syrie, Jordanie, Palestine/Israël, Arménie, Turquie et Iran.Le taux d’endémisme au sein de ce genre est relativement élevé et la cueillette excessive ainsi que la destruction de leurs habitats menace un grand nombre de ces espèces.En vue de préciser le statut taxonomique des espèces et d’élucider les relations phylogénétiques qui les relient plusieurs m...
Identifying processes that promote or limit gene flow can help define the ecological and evolutionar...
The determination of nucleotide sequences in DNA, sequencing of chloroplast genomes techniques, base...
Habitat fragmentation is one of serious threats to biodiversity of nature in today's world. The pres...
The Iris genus belonging to the Iridaceae family includes over 220 species distributed throughout th...
Insights into genome size dynamics and its evolutionary impact remain limited by the lack of data fo...
Some wild, morphologically diverse taxa of the genus Iris in the broad Alpine-Dinaric area have neve...
Despite being an important target of conservation concern and horticultural interest, Lebanese irise...
The relationships within the Alpine-Dinaric and cultivated populations of the genus Iris, Pallidae s...
Iris subgenus Xiphium is a small group of taxa that mostly occur in the Mediterranean Basin, a long-...
Iris subgenus Xiphium is a small group of taxa that mostly occur in the Mediterranean Basin, a long-...
Le genre Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) est l'un des genres ayant le plus grand nombre de représentants pa...
Premise: When divergent lineages come into secondary contact reproductive isolation may be incomplet...
Determining the chromosomal level is important in breeding programs. Determining the chromosomal lev...
Morphological and cytological variation among two wild iris species (iris juncea (poir) and iris sis...
TIle section Oncncyclus of lhe genus Iris L. comprises eight species in Israel, which are among the ...
Identifying processes that promote or limit gene flow can help define the ecological and evolutionar...
The determination of nucleotide sequences in DNA, sequencing of chloroplast genomes techniques, base...
Habitat fragmentation is one of serious threats to biodiversity of nature in today's world. The pres...
The Iris genus belonging to the Iridaceae family includes over 220 species distributed throughout th...
Insights into genome size dynamics and its evolutionary impact remain limited by the lack of data fo...
Some wild, morphologically diverse taxa of the genus Iris in the broad Alpine-Dinaric area have neve...
Despite being an important target of conservation concern and horticultural interest, Lebanese irise...
The relationships within the Alpine-Dinaric and cultivated populations of the genus Iris, Pallidae s...
Iris subgenus Xiphium is a small group of taxa that mostly occur in the Mediterranean Basin, a long-...
Iris subgenus Xiphium is a small group of taxa that mostly occur in the Mediterranean Basin, a long-...
Le genre Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) est l'un des genres ayant le plus grand nombre de représentants pa...
Premise: When divergent lineages come into secondary contact reproductive isolation may be incomplet...
Determining the chromosomal level is important in breeding programs. Determining the chromosomal lev...
Morphological and cytological variation among two wild iris species (iris juncea (poir) and iris sis...
TIle section Oncncyclus of lhe genus Iris L. comprises eight species in Israel, which are among the ...
Identifying processes that promote or limit gene flow can help define the ecological and evolutionar...
The determination of nucleotide sequences in DNA, sequencing of chloroplast genomes techniques, base...
Habitat fragmentation is one of serious threats to biodiversity of nature in today's world. The pres...