We prove that the combinatorial distance between any two reduced expressions of a given permutation of {1, ..., n} in terms of transpositions lies in O(n^4), a sharp bound. Using a connection with the intersection numbers of certain curves in van Kampen diagrams, we prove that this bound is sharp, and give a practical criterion for proving that the derivations provided by the reversing algorithm of [Dehornoy, JPAA 116 (1997) 115-197] are optimal. We also show the existence of length l expressions whose reversing requires C l^4 elementary steps
We consider the problem of computing rearrangement distance of every permutation in the symmetric gr...
AbstractGenome rearrangement algorithms are powerful tools to analyze gene orders in molecular evolu...
Given strings A = a(1)a(2)...a(m) and B=b(1)b(2)...b(n) over an alphabet Sigma subset of U, where U ...
Abstract. We prove that the combinatorial distance between any two re-duced expressions of a given p...
AbstractWe prove that the combinatorial distance between any two reduced expressions of a given perm...
The problem of sorting by transpositions asks for a sequence of adjacent interval exchanges that sor...
We study the problem of computing the minimal number of adjacent, non-intersecting block interchange...
A number of fields, including the study of genome rearrangements and the design of interconnection n...
Hannenhalli and Pevzner gave the first polynomial-time algorithm for computing the inversion distanc...
We study the problem of sorting by transpositions, which consists in computing the minimum number of...
The rearrangement distance between single-chromosome genomes can be estimated as the minimum number ...
AbstractA transposition is an operation that exchanges two adjacent substrings. Transpositions over ...
Abstract. Genome rearrangement algorithms are powerful tools to analyze gene orders in molecular evo...
A number of fields, including genome rearrangements and interconnection network design, are concerne...
One of the main challenges in Computational Biology is to find the evolutionary distance between two...
We consider the problem of computing rearrangement distance of every permutation in the symmetric gr...
AbstractGenome rearrangement algorithms are powerful tools to analyze gene orders in molecular evolu...
Given strings A = a(1)a(2)...a(m) and B=b(1)b(2)...b(n) over an alphabet Sigma subset of U, where U ...
Abstract. We prove that the combinatorial distance between any two re-duced expressions of a given p...
AbstractWe prove that the combinatorial distance between any two reduced expressions of a given perm...
The problem of sorting by transpositions asks for a sequence of adjacent interval exchanges that sor...
We study the problem of computing the minimal number of adjacent, non-intersecting block interchange...
A number of fields, including the study of genome rearrangements and the design of interconnection n...
Hannenhalli and Pevzner gave the first polynomial-time algorithm for computing the inversion distanc...
We study the problem of sorting by transpositions, which consists in computing the minimum number of...
The rearrangement distance between single-chromosome genomes can be estimated as the minimum number ...
AbstractA transposition is an operation that exchanges two adjacent substrings. Transpositions over ...
Abstract. Genome rearrangement algorithms are powerful tools to analyze gene orders in molecular evo...
A number of fields, including genome rearrangements and interconnection network design, are concerne...
One of the main challenges in Computational Biology is to find the evolutionary distance between two...
We consider the problem of computing rearrangement distance of every permutation in the symmetric gr...
AbstractGenome rearrangement algorithms are powerful tools to analyze gene orders in molecular evolu...
Given strings A = a(1)a(2)...a(m) and B=b(1)b(2)...b(n) over an alphabet Sigma subset of U, where U ...