Amorcée dès la mort de Staline en mars 1953, la décrispation des antagonismes Est-Ouest connaît cependant des fluctuations dans les années suivantes, jusqu'au sommet des tensions internationales que représente la crise de Cuba de l'automne 1962. Débute alors une période d'accalmie communément qualifiée de « détente ». Notre étude s’est ainsi fixée comme mission d’étudier l’influence de ce contexte international sur le monde politique français. De la fin de la crise de Cuba au voyage du général de Gaulle en Union soviétique en juin 1966, celui-Ci évolue dans sa vision de la guerre froide et révèle un « esprit » de détente plus ou moins fort. Si tous les partis et les structures non-Partisanes de l’opposition non-Communiste sont favorables à ...
During the Cold War, Yugoslavia had a specific international position generated by several shifts in...
Léonid Brejnev dirigea l’URSS entre 1964 et 1982. Après les crises du début des années 60 (Berlin, C...
The attitude of the Soviet Union, by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse The Soviet Union has, in recent years...
Abstract The Cuban crisis was a kind of alibi in Franco-American relations. While the main stream in...
The Fourth Republic fell sort of expectations of French nation. The institutional system based on pr...
The aim of this work is to clarify and describe how France diplomatically and politically acted on t...
Czechoslovak-French relations developed gradually since the early 1960s. At the time Charles de Gaul...
A Testing Time for the Non-Aligned Movement, by Eugene Berg As the Cuban chairmanship expires and p...
Ever since 1960, Cuba has been targeted as public enemy number one by Washington. No matter who is i...
Reflections on the Nature of the International Crisis, by Maurice Couve de Murville The present int...
International audienceThe relationship between the UGT in exile in France and the leaders of the CGT...
On the night of December 31st, 1967, all the elements favoring the introduction of a Soviet-style so...
Pendant la Guerre froide de 1945 à 1968, le Danemark, un petit État nordique à tradition neutraliste...
Lorsque Fidel Castro prend le pouvoir en 1959, un tournant décisif de la Guerre froide s'amorce. Was...
Abstract The stake in the Berlin blockade crisis (1948-49) was far more than the fate of a western e...
During the Cold War, Yugoslavia had a specific international position generated by several shifts in...
Léonid Brejnev dirigea l’URSS entre 1964 et 1982. Après les crises du début des années 60 (Berlin, C...
The attitude of the Soviet Union, by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse The Soviet Union has, in recent years...
Abstract The Cuban crisis was a kind of alibi in Franco-American relations. While the main stream in...
The Fourth Republic fell sort of expectations of French nation. The institutional system based on pr...
The aim of this work is to clarify and describe how France diplomatically and politically acted on t...
Czechoslovak-French relations developed gradually since the early 1960s. At the time Charles de Gaul...
A Testing Time for the Non-Aligned Movement, by Eugene Berg As the Cuban chairmanship expires and p...
Ever since 1960, Cuba has been targeted as public enemy number one by Washington. No matter who is i...
Reflections on the Nature of the International Crisis, by Maurice Couve de Murville The present int...
International audienceThe relationship between the UGT in exile in France and the leaders of the CGT...
On the night of December 31st, 1967, all the elements favoring the introduction of a Soviet-style so...
Pendant la Guerre froide de 1945 à 1968, le Danemark, un petit État nordique à tradition neutraliste...
Lorsque Fidel Castro prend le pouvoir en 1959, un tournant décisif de la Guerre froide s'amorce. Was...
Abstract The stake in the Berlin blockade crisis (1948-49) was far more than the fate of a western e...
During the Cold War, Yugoslavia had a specific international position generated by several shifts in...
Léonid Brejnev dirigea l’URSS entre 1964 et 1982. Après les crises du début des années 60 (Berlin, C...
The attitude of the Soviet Union, by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse The Soviet Union has, in recent years...