L’Irish Republican Army (IRA), le principal groupe paramilitaire républicain, fut fondé en 1969. Dès lors, il lutta contre la présence britannique en Irlande du Nord et pour la réunification de l’île d’Irlande. Le désarmement de l’IRA, considéré comme irréalisable jusqu’en 2001, s’accomplit pourtant bel et bien entre 2001 et 2005 dans le cadre du processus de paix. Le 26 septembre 2005, l’IRA avait officiellement déposé les armes. Quels mécanismes avaient alors permis, au sein du processus de paix nord-irlandais, d’aboutir à la "mise hors d’état de nuire" de l’arsenal de l’IRA qui déclarait pourtant encore en 1998 qu’il n’accepterait pas de rendre les armes ? Comme l’annonce le titre de cette thèse, trois questions sous-tendent notre analys...
Beginning in 1969, the Provisional Irish Republican Army conducted a paramilitary campaign designed ...
In the years since the signing of the 1998 Good Friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland, there ha...
The thesis explains how terrorism campaigns end, using social movement theory to analyse the Provisi...
The Irish Republican Army (IRA), the main Republican paramilitary group in Northern Ireland was foun...
The decommissioning issue has been central to the peace process in Northern Ireland. Decommissioning...
A Strategy of the IRA : the Fight in Jail, Tiphaine Granger. The IRA has been leading a guerrilla wa...
In the minds of those striving to achieve a successful peace process, the question of decommissionin...
Terrorism in the United Kingdom, by James Adams Anti-terrorist policies were first instituted in the...
By characterizing the relationship between political fronts and their terrorist organizations this a...
Předmětem bakalářské práce je analýza vzestupu Prozatímní irské republikánské armády (PIRA) během pr...
The centenary of the 1916 Rising marks a time of peaceful commemoration, across the island of Irelan...
On September 1, 1994, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) declared a ceasefire. The declaration was pote...
With the advent of the new violent dissident merger, ‘The IRA/New IRA’, the group and its affiliates...
Excerpt On August 31, 1994, the Provisional IRA (PIRA) declared a cessation of military operations. ...
A Peace Process in Ireland, by Bruce Arnold Resolving the crisis in Northern Ireland has correctly f...
Beginning in 1969, the Provisional Irish Republican Army conducted a paramilitary campaign designed ...
In the years since the signing of the 1998 Good Friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland, there ha...
The thesis explains how terrorism campaigns end, using social movement theory to analyse the Provisi...
The Irish Republican Army (IRA), the main Republican paramilitary group in Northern Ireland was foun...
The decommissioning issue has been central to the peace process in Northern Ireland. Decommissioning...
A Strategy of the IRA : the Fight in Jail, Tiphaine Granger. The IRA has been leading a guerrilla wa...
In the minds of those striving to achieve a successful peace process, the question of decommissionin...
Terrorism in the United Kingdom, by James Adams Anti-terrorist policies were first instituted in the...
By characterizing the relationship between political fronts and their terrorist organizations this a...
Předmětem bakalářské práce je analýza vzestupu Prozatímní irské republikánské armády (PIRA) během pr...
The centenary of the 1916 Rising marks a time of peaceful commemoration, across the island of Irelan...
On September 1, 1994, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) declared a ceasefire. The declaration was pote...
With the advent of the new violent dissident merger, ‘The IRA/New IRA’, the group and its affiliates...
Excerpt On August 31, 1994, the Provisional IRA (PIRA) declared a cessation of military operations. ...
A Peace Process in Ireland, by Bruce Arnold Resolving the crisis in Northern Ireland has correctly f...
Beginning in 1969, the Provisional Irish Republican Army conducted a paramilitary campaign designed ...
In the years since the signing of the 1998 Good Friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland, there ha...
The thesis explains how terrorism campaigns end, using social movement theory to analyse the Provisi...