L'évaluation de l'impact écologique d'une exposition aux rayonnements ionisants est devenue une préoccupation majeure. L'objectif de ce doctorat était d'étudier les effets multigénérationnels d'une irradiation gamma chronique selon une approche intégrée, des traits d'histoire de vie aux mécanismes subcellulaires chez un organisme modèle, le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. L'étude des effets d'une irradiation gamma chronique sur les traits d'histoire de vie de C. elegans a d'abord été effectuée. Pour cela, trois générations ont été exposées et deux générations ont été placées en environnement « contrôle » après exposition parentale. Puis, différents mécanismes subcellulaires pouvant expliquer les effets observés sur les traits d'histoire de...
Afin de protéger durablement les écosystèmes face aux rejets planifiés ou accidentels de radionucléi...
Wildlife is chronically exposed to various sources of ionizing radiations, either environmental or a...
The assessment of toxic effects at biologically and ecologically relevant scales is an important cha...
The environmental risk assessment of chronic exposure to ionizing has become a major concern. The ai...
The assessment of environmental impact of exposure to ionizing radiation (natural and ubiquitous phe...
Living organisms can be exposed to chronic irradiation, which can have harmful consequences on expos...
Understanding the effects of chronic exposure to pollutants over generations is of primary importanc...
At the cellular level, excitation and ionization of atoms and molecules constitute the fundamental p...
International audienceUnderstanding how toxic contaminants affect wildlife species at various levels...
International audienceThe current study investigated life stage, tissue and cell dependent sensitivi...
Ionizing radiation can reduce survival, reproduction and affect development, and lead to the extinct...
Afin de protéger durablement les écosystèmes face aux rejets planifiés ou accidentels de radionucléi...
Wildlife is chronically exposed to various sources of ionizing radiations, either environmental or a...
The assessment of toxic effects at biologically and ecologically relevant scales is an important cha...
The environmental risk assessment of chronic exposure to ionizing has become a major concern. The ai...
The assessment of environmental impact of exposure to ionizing radiation (natural and ubiquitous phe...
Living organisms can be exposed to chronic irradiation, which can have harmful consequences on expos...
Understanding the effects of chronic exposure to pollutants over generations is of primary importanc...
At the cellular level, excitation and ionization of atoms and molecules constitute the fundamental p...
International audienceUnderstanding how toxic contaminants affect wildlife species at various levels...
International audienceThe current study investigated life stage, tissue and cell dependent sensitivi...
Ionizing radiation can reduce survival, reproduction and affect development, and lead to the extinct...
Afin de protéger durablement les écosystèmes face aux rejets planifiés ou accidentels de radionucléi...
Wildlife is chronically exposed to various sources of ionizing radiations, either environmental or a...
The assessment of toxic effects at biologically and ecologically relevant scales is an important cha...