A cura di Epifanio Ajello, Vincent d’Orlando, Sylvie Loignon, Natalie Noyaret. ISBN : 978-88-99541-24-8.Texte disponible sur : https://fr.calameo.com/read/0058643282fb596798092.International audienceMost of André Dhotel’s characters are impassive, nonchalant, carefree, lazy. They live some imperceptible adventures by doing nothing, looking at the landscape and wandering. They do have a wonderful gift for living gracefully, discovering that something – anything- does exist, beyond what they see. Thier specific eccentricity may be called serendipity.Presque tous les personnages de Dhôtel sont nonchalants, insouciants, fainéants. Mais, en s'abandonnant à la contemplation des paysages comme à la déambulation, sans calcul ni préméditation, ils s...