There are several major items in the Book of Chuang Tse. These items become members of the Tao-te clan. Among them, Tao (道), te (德), tien (天), ti (地), wu (物), jen (人), are the five prominent ones. They constitute a group of items for the plan strategy of the tao-te clan. Tao (道), te(德), hsing (nature) (性), hsing (bodily form) (形), constitute another group of items for the accomplishment of a being in the tao-te clan. And ch’i (氣), ming (命), ts’ai (才), ch’ing (情), hsin (心), chih (知) make up a group of itmes concerning man in the tao-te clan. This is the first point of Chuang Tse’s view as I expound in my paper. The second point is that by observing the tao-te clan we can understand what the world is , so the view of tao-te is jus...