區克夏的政治哲學及史學思想頗引入爭議,而本文則企圖從其思想之全貌來析釋其政治思想。由於區氏兼涉哲學、史學及社會思想,故對其詮釋允宜由宏觀之角度為之。但此顯然非易事,故本文祇係循此方式所嘗試之初探,希企首先能對其學說之全貌作一綜覽,進而深入其盤根錯節之處以期解開若干疑點。區氏先以「經驗」,後以「從事」,作為其哲學之分析單元,前者描述人與世界之主觀關連,而後者則關乎人之行為與社會組織之模式。此二概念代表他思想演變之前後二期,但卻未必不相接屬;作者所企圖說明者在於此二概念竟可巧妙連結、互補,而形成一支撐區氏本人的政治哲學之建構。另外,本文亦試析其「保守主義」、「傳統主義」之真貌,使其不沾染意識型態之色彩。Michael Oakshott had been controvertial as a political philosopher and as a historian. This passage is a study about his conception of the nature of political life against the overall philosophical system he had thought to adumbrate. Because Oakshott is such a versatile thinker that an accurate description of his ideas entails comprehensive survey of elements of philosophical, ethical, and historical thinking in his writing. This of course ...