Propofol和笑氣麻醉對大多數病人具有降血壓和蘇醒快速的特點,但作者於150個案 中,却發現propofol若高劑量灌注於具抵抗性高血壓和腎功能欠佳之老病人時 ,術後蘇醒速度嚴重延緩,此高劑量平均為9.8mg/kg/h。若腎功能正常,而劑量於後 半期急降並使用抗高血藥劑維持正常血壓,則病人蘇醒快速。若病人之高血壓對 propofol反應敏銳,則不需抗高血壓劑,小量之propofol和笑氣即可維持麻醉和正常 血壓。腎功能正常與否並非絕對能定propofol之排泄速度,但年紀越大,propofol擴 清速度越慢。高劑量長期灌注propofol作為抗高血壓劑以維持正常血壓乃是病人蘇醒 緩慢之根本原因。 Propofol , nitrous oxide and oxygen anesthesia usually causes hypotension and early awakening is expected generally. However, the authors found a case of delayed awakening among 150 patients. The patient was an elder with poor renal function and sustained hypertension. Her blood pressure was controlled with prolonged high dose infusion (mean dose =9.8 mg/kg per h) of propofol. Two other cases in similar situation but recovered early from the ...