Effects of Foliar Fertilizers Containing Calcium on Early June Planted Cotton in the Palo Verde Valley, 2000

  • Rethwisch, M. D.
  • Duran, E.
  • Seiler, J.
  • Nelson, J.
  • Hayden, P.
Publication date
May 2003
College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)


Three foliar fertilizers containing calcium were applied at first bloom to evaluate effects on late planted (June 1) cotton in the Palo Verde Valley. Application of Calcium Metalosate resulted in increased retention percentages when compared with other foliar fertilizers at 21 days post treatment as well as more nodes/plant and calculated fruiting structures/plant. Yields did not reflect these differences however, as highest overall yields were from the untreated check, which yielded about 100 lbs. of lint/acre more than foliar fertilizer treatments. Foliar treatments did result in numerically lower micronaire and longer fibers from first pick cotton. Cotton from the first pick Calcium Metalosate treatment was strongest, but similar to othe...

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