Introduction Acknowledgments Conventions and notations 1 Fundamental groups of normal crossing curves 1.1 Infinite Galois categories 1.2 Pro-étale fundamental group 1.3 Descent for étale and pro-étale fundamental group 2 Algebraic hulls 2.1 Tannakian categories 2.2 Representations of abstract groups 2.3 Representations of topological groups 2.4 Free product of algebraic hulls 3 Descent of sheaves with meromorphic data 3.1 Meromorphic descent data 3.2 Coverings associated with representations 3.3 Infinite descent 3.4 Finite descent 4 The specialization functor 4.1 Stratified bundles with meromorphic descent data 4.2 Construction of the specialization functor 4.3 Compatibility with the étale specialization mapGiven a projective family of semi...