Titelblatt und Inhaltsverzeichnis 1\. Gegenstand und Methode der Untersuchung 30 2\. Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Bulgarien 35 3\. Eigentum im Umbruch 66 4\. Spannungsfeld von Eigentumsschutz und Sozialbindung in der Rechtsprechung des Verfassungsgerichts 83 5\. Spannungsfeld von Eigentumsschutz und Sozialbindung im bulgarischen Schrifttum 147 6\. Übersicht und eigene dogmatische Konstruktion 156 7\. Abschließende Stellungnahme 159 LiteraturverzeichnisDas grundlegende Problem der Transformation des politischen, rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Systems des Staatskapitalismus in den Staaten Osteuropas stellt die Sicherung des Rückhalts dieser Reformbemühung in der Bevölkerung dar. Der Versuch der Umwandlung der Eigentu...
The article researches the content and the institutionalization of the concept of the social state a...
[Abstract] Efforts to Unify Private Law. 2. Process of Redaction of the Austrian General Civil Code ...
This research deals with the capacity of the Bulgarian State to organize and create its territory th...
This book examines its fascinating and turbulent development from the end of the nineteenth century ...
Bulgarian private law has always been at crossroads: it has diverse influences from both Western and...
Summaries This article examines the process of transformation of the legal framework of contractual...
Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit stehen die Privatisierung von Unternehmen in Albanien und Maz...
Značaj nadzora ustavnosti u odnosu na socijalno zakonodavstvo u Njemačkoj postaje očit kada se sagle...
"Die Demokratisierung politischer Institutionen und die Pluralisierung des kulturellen Lebens nach 1...
This part of the Symposium seeks to answer a number of interesting questions. One is how Western law...
Following the Second World War, a significant transformation occurred in private law under the Sovie...
Objective to develop a comprehensive scientific conception of the constitutional foundations of the ...
'Its geography is every country's fate. Because of its peripheral location in Europe, Bulgaria has b...
'Die Geographie ist für jedes Land Schicksal. Wegen seiner Randlage in Europa ist Bulgarien in seine...
The paper offers an analysis of Bulgarian constitutional development since 2001 and the impossibilit...
The article researches the content and the institutionalization of the concept of the social state a...
[Abstract] Efforts to Unify Private Law. 2. Process of Redaction of the Austrian General Civil Code ...
This research deals with the capacity of the Bulgarian State to organize and create its territory th...
This book examines its fascinating and turbulent development from the end of the nineteenth century ...
Bulgarian private law has always been at crossroads: it has diverse influences from both Western and...
Summaries This article examines the process of transformation of the legal framework of contractual...
Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit stehen die Privatisierung von Unternehmen in Albanien und Maz...
Značaj nadzora ustavnosti u odnosu na socijalno zakonodavstvo u Njemačkoj postaje očit kada se sagle...
"Die Demokratisierung politischer Institutionen und die Pluralisierung des kulturellen Lebens nach 1...
This part of the Symposium seeks to answer a number of interesting questions. One is how Western law...
Following the Second World War, a significant transformation occurred in private law under the Sovie...
Objective to develop a comprehensive scientific conception of the constitutional foundations of the ...
'Its geography is every country's fate. Because of its peripheral location in Europe, Bulgaria has b...
'Die Geographie ist für jedes Land Schicksal. Wegen seiner Randlage in Europa ist Bulgarien in seine...
The paper offers an analysis of Bulgarian constitutional development since 2001 and the impossibilit...
The article researches the content and the institutionalization of the concept of the social state a...
[Abstract] Efforts to Unify Private Law. 2. Process of Redaction of the Austrian General Civil Code ...
This research deals with the capacity of the Bulgarian State to organize and create its territory th...