Hintergrund: Die leitliniengerechte Therapie des Lymphödems erfolgt meist lebenslang, ist kostenintensiv und belastet aufgrund des Mehraufwandes die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität der Patienten. Die WHO beziffert die Adhärenzrate gegenüber Langzeittherapien mit 50%. Adhärenz gilt als Schlüssel zu einer erfolgreichen Lymphödemtherapie. Fragestellung: Analog zur Selbstmessung bei arterieller Hypertonie, die nachweisbar die Therapietreue verbessert, soll eine Selbstmessung der Extremitätenumfänge bei Lymphödempatienten als Maßnahme zur Verbesserung der Adhärenz untersucht werden. Material und Methoden: Es wurde eine prospektive randomisiert- kontrollierte Pilotstudie mit einem Interventionszeitraum von 26 Wochen durchgeführt. Während in de...
Recent research has shown that most individuals with secondary lymphedema can safely engage in aerob...
Abstract Lymphoedema treatment outcome can be evaluated by calculating estimated limb volumes direct...
Background and Purpose. Arm lymphedema following breast cancer In this study, we assessed the surger...
Understanding whether a true change has occurred during the process of care is of utmost importance ...
Objective: In lymphedema management, lower limb volume is commonly assessed by circumference measure...
Objective: To establish the intrarater reliability of lower limb circumference measures in a sample ...
Abstract: Understanding whether a true change has occurred during the process of care is of utmost i...
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklandet av ett medicinsktekniskt prototypverktyg för mätning av omkrets...
The accurate, non-invasive measurement of limb volume in patients with lymphoedema is important in t...
Objective: Lymphoedema is a debilitating condition that results in the swelling of one or more limbs...
Background. Lymphoedema is an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space. Long-las...
This paper overviews the problem of the clinical basis, diagnosis and available therapy modalities f...
Einleitung: Ziel der Studie war es herauszufinden, ob sich durch den alternativen oder additiven Ein...
Der erste Beitrag zu dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit den grundlegenden Aspekten der Komorbiditäten de...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reduction in volume of arm lymphedema secondary to breast ...
Recent research has shown that most individuals with secondary lymphedema can safely engage in aerob...
Abstract Lymphoedema treatment outcome can be evaluated by calculating estimated limb volumes direct...
Background and Purpose. Arm lymphedema following breast cancer In this study, we assessed the surger...
Understanding whether a true change has occurred during the process of care is of utmost importance ...
Objective: In lymphedema management, lower limb volume is commonly assessed by circumference measure...
Objective: To establish the intrarater reliability of lower limb circumference measures in a sample ...
Abstract: Understanding whether a true change has occurred during the process of care is of utmost i...
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklandet av ett medicinsktekniskt prototypverktyg för mätning av omkrets...
The accurate, non-invasive measurement of limb volume in patients with lymphoedema is important in t...
Objective: Lymphoedema is a debilitating condition that results in the swelling of one or more limbs...
Background. Lymphoedema is an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space. Long-las...
This paper overviews the problem of the clinical basis, diagnosis and available therapy modalities f...
Einleitung: Ziel der Studie war es herauszufinden, ob sich durch den alternativen oder additiven Ein...
Der erste Beitrag zu dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit den grundlegenden Aspekten der Komorbiditäten de...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reduction in volume of arm lymphedema secondary to breast ...
Recent research has shown that most individuals with secondary lymphedema can safely engage in aerob...
Abstract Lymphoedema treatment outcome can be evaluated by calculating estimated limb volumes direct...
Background and Purpose. Arm lymphedema following breast cancer In this study, we assessed the surger...