International audienceThe ArchaeDyn team has investigated territorial dynamics by comparing areas over long time spans between the Neolithic and Modern times. Datasets on various themes have been shared and indicators and DQDO\WLFDO PRGHOV SURGXFHG 7KLV SDSHU SUHVHQWV ERWK WKH IRUPDOL]DWLRQ RI VFLHQWL¿F SURFHVV XVHG LQ WKH ArchaeDyn programme and a conceptual model of the systems and components so that synchronic and diachronic comparisons can be made. The aim is to clarify the transition from an archaeological feature (a site or an artefact) or a recording unit (survey area) as the input, to the characterization of spaces describing a system as the output. The approach is described by the successive steps corresponding to semantic, spatial...