International audienceUnderstanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types is a major challenge, as pollinator decision depends on a complex range of environmental cues and prior experience. Here we report an experiment using the plant Antirrhi-num majus and the bumblebee Bombus terrestris to investigate how prior learning experience may affect pollinator preferences between floral types when these are presented together. We trained naive bumblebees to forage freely on flowering individuals of either A. majus pseudomajus (magenta flowers) or A. majus striatum (yellow flowers) in a flight cage. We then used a Y-maze device to expose trained bumblebees to a dual choice between the floral types. We tested...
Poster exhibited at GPSC Student Showcase, February 24th, 2016, University of Arizona.We investigate...
What bees learn during pollen collection, and how they might discriminate between flowers on the bas...
In contrast to the wealth of knowledge concerning sucrose-rewarded learning mechanisms, the question...
International audienceUnderstanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across...
Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types is a maj...
Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types is a maj...
<div><p>Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types ...
Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types is a maj...
The astonishing diversity of floral form in angiosperm plants is driven in large part by preferences...
Pollinator-driven selection is thought to drive much of the extraordinary diversity of flowering pla...
The astonishing diversity of floral form in angiosperm plants is driven in large part by preferences...
Studies of innate colour preference and learning ability have focused on differences at the species ...
Angiosperms have evolved to attract and/or deter specific pollinators. Flowers provide signals and c...
Background: Bumblebees use information provided inadvertently by conspecifics when deciding between ...
Background: Bumblebees use information provided inadvertently by conspecifics when deciding between ...
Poster exhibited at GPSC Student Showcase, February 24th, 2016, University of Arizona.We investigate...
What bees learn during pollen collection, and how they might discriminate between flowers on the bas...
In contrast to the wealth of knowledge concerning sucrose-rewarded learning mechanisms, the question...
International audienceUnderstanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across...
Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types is a maj...
Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types is a maj...
<div><p>Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types ...
Understanding how pollinator behavior may influence pollen transmission across floral types is a maj...
The astonishing diversity of floral form in angiosperm plants is driven in large part by preferences...
Pollinator-driven selection is thought to drive much of the extraordinary diversity of flowering pla...
The astonishing diversity of floral form in angiosperm plants is driven in large part by preferences...
Studies of innate colour preference and learning ability have focused on differences at the species ...
Angiosperms have evolved to attract and/or deter specific pollinators. Flowers provide signals and c...
Background: Bumblebees use information provided inadvertently by conspecifics when deciding between ...
Background: Bumblebees use information provided inadvertently by conspecifics when deciding between ...
Poster exhibited at GPSC Student Showcase, February 24th, 2016, University of Arizona.We investigate...
What bees learn during pollen collection, and how they might discriminate between flowers on the bas...
In contrast to the wealth of knowledge concerning sucrose-rewarded learning mechanisms, the question...