Zeolitler, yapılarında alkali ve toprak alkali elementler bulunan,yüksek yüzey alanı ve iyon değiştirme kapasitesine sahip, gözeneklerinde kristal suyu barındıran sulu alimino silikat mineralleridir. Zeolitlerin bir çok önemli özellikleri vardır. İyon değiştirme ,moleküler elek olma, filtrasyon, koku gideme ve gaz adsorplama gibi birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Alaçatı yöresi zeolitlerinin yapısal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmış, ve bu doğrultuda, cevherin minerolojik içeriği,iyon değiştirme kapasitesi, yağ ağartma özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Zeolites are hydrated aluminosilicates, cause high surface areas and high cation exchange capacities, Zeolites have many useful features. They can use for ion exchange, bleachin...
Summarization: This study examines the synthetic zeolites produced from perlite waste. Zeolitisation...
Zeolity, dzięki swoim właściwościom, takim jak obecność mocnych centrów kwasowych, ściśle zdefiniowa...
This study was aimed to characterize the natural zeolite from Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia an...
Bu tez çalışmasında, Manisa-Gördes yöresinden alınan 4 farklı sahaya ait zeolit numunelerinin hammad...
Zeolite is a group of hydrated silical alumino mineral from alkaline specially sodium (Na), Potassiu...
Agricultural extensification effort in Indonesia are almost always accompanied by a problem of low p...
Bu çalışma, değişik oranlarda karıştırılan pomza ve zeolit örneklerinin kimi fiziksel ve kimyasal öz...
AbstractMolecular sieves or zeolites are important widespread industrial materials of unique chemica...
ABSTRACT Characterization and activation of Natural Zeolite from Ponorogo (ZAP) have been done to im...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi kaolin Bangka Belitung sebagai sumber silika dan a...
Zeolite is a group of hydrated silical alumino mineral from alkaline specially sodium (Na), Potassiu...
Çimento alkalileri ile reaksiyona girerek zararlı genleşmeler oluşturduğu tespit edilen Gediz nehir ...
The study investigates marine Hekimhan (Malatya) zeolites. The unit was sandstone interlayered, gree...
Zeolites are natural porous volcanic tuffs that represent hydrated crystalline aluminosilicates mine...
Zeolites constitute one of the less common groups of tectosilicates. Zeoli1es with pores between -2 ...
Summarization: This study examines the synthetic zeolites produced from perlite waste. Zeolitisation...
Zeolity, dzięki swoim właściwościom, takim jak obecność mocnych centrów kwasowych, ściśle zdefiniowa...
This study was aimed to characterize the natural zeolite from Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia an...
Bu tez çalışmasında, Manisa-Gördes yöresinden alınan 4 farklı sahaya ait zeolit numunelerinin hammad...
Zeolite is a group of hydrated silical alumino mineral from alkaline specially sodium (Na), Potassiu...
Agricultural extensification effort in Indonesia are almost always accompanied by a problem of low p...
Bu çalışma, değişik oranlarda karıştırılan pomza ve zeolit örneklerinin kimi fiziksel ve kimyasal öz...
AbstractMolecular sieves or zeolites are important widespread industrial materials of unique chemica...
ABSTRACT Characterization and activation of Natural Zeolite from Ponorogo (ZAP) have been done to im...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi kaolin Bangka Belitung sebagai sumber silika dan a...
Zeolite is a group of hydrated silical alumino mineral from alkaline specially sodium (Na), Potassiu...
Çimento alkalileri ile reaksiyona girerek zararlı genleşmeler oluşturduğu tespit edilen Gediz nehir ...
The study investigates marine Hekimhan (Malatya) zeolites. The unit was sandstone interlayered, gree...
Zeolites are natural porous volcanic tuffs that represent hydrated crystalline aluminosilicates mine...
Zeolites constitute one of the less common groups of tectosilicates. Zeoli1es with pores between -2 ...
Summarization: This study examines the synthetic zeolites produced from perlite waste. Zeolitisation...
Zeolity, dzięki swoim właściwościom, takim jak obecność mocnych centrów kwasowych, ściśle zdefiniowa...
This study was aimed to characterize the natural zeolite from Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia an...