Selected original analog telemetry tapes from three of the topside-sounder satellites of theInternational Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) program, namely Alouette 2, ISIS I, and ISIS II, wereused in an earlier project to produce more than million digital topside ionograms; the resulting digitaltopside ionograms from ISIS II were used to produce more than 86,000 globally distributed vertical topsideionospheric electron density profiles Ne(h) that cover a time span of more than a solar cycle. These Ne(h) wereproduced using the Topside Ionogram Scaler with True height algorithm auto-scaling software. Beforeattempting to automatically process Alouette-2 or ISIS-I ionograms, a data-enhancement project wasinitiated so as to increase th...
An empirical method to model the ionospheric topside vertical electron density profile over the Euro...
The automatic interpretation of ionograms provides an opportunity to establish a large quantity of d...
Alouette and ISIS data were studied for large, medium, and small scale structures in the ionosphere....
Selected original analog telemetry tapes from three of the topside-sounder satellites of the Interna...
The existing uncertainties about the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in t...
Modeling of the topside ionosphere has for the most part relied on just a few years of data from top...
The existing uncertainties about the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in t...
The existing uncertainties about density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in the height reg...
topside ionograms in the 1960s and 1970s with a multinational network of ground stations that provid...
Recently an increasing number of topside electron density profiles has been made available to the sc...
The ion mass spectrometer (IMS) on the ISIS-II satellite is described; it measures the composition a...
The existing uncertainties about the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in t...
Alouette I measurements of electron densities and scale heights in topside ionosphere - tabular data...
Tabulations on electron densities and plasma scale heights in topside ionosphere, based on Alouette ...
Satellite ionosonde techniques and method for reducing topside ionograms to electron density profile
An empirical method to model the ionospheric topside vertical electron density profile over the Euro...
The automatic interpretation of ionograms provides an opportunity to establish a large quantity of d...
Alouette and ISIS data were studied for large, medium, and small scale structures in the ionosphere....
Selected original analog telemetry tapes from three of the topside-sounder satellites of the Interna...
The existing uncertainties about the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in t...
Modeling of the topside ionosphere has for the most part relied on just a few years of data from top...
The existing uncertainties about the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in t...
The existing uncertainties about density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in the height reg...
topside ionograms in the 1960s and 1970s with a multinational network of ground stations that provid...
Recently an increasing number of topside electron density profiles has been made available to the sc...
The ion mass spectrometer (IMS) on the ISIS-II satellite is described; it measures the composition a...
The existing uncertainties about the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in t...
Alouette I measurements of electron densities and scale heights in topside ionosphere - tabular data...
Tabulations on electron densities and plasma scale heights in topside ionosphere, based on Alouette ...
Satellite ionosonde techniques and method for reducing topside ionograms to electron density profile
An empirical method to model the ionospheric topside vertical electron density profile over the Euro...
The automatic interpretation of ionograms provides an opportunity to establish a large quantity of d...
Alouette and ISIS data were studied for large, medium, and small scale structures in the ionosphere....