The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of discounts, bonus packages, loyalty programs on impulse buying behavior with the data analysis technique used is the MRA test and classical assumptions. The respondents who were sampled were 110 people with the criteria of Matahari Departement Store visitors in Surabaya, having the Matahari Departement Store mamber card. Based on the research results, discounts have a significant effect on the impulse buying behavior. Buy oneget one have a significant positive effect on impulse buying behavior. The loyalty program has a significant positive effect on impulse buying behavior. To increase impulse buying behavior at Matahari Department Store in Surabaya, there must be discount pro...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh price discount, bonus pack danin-store display terha...
Pada saat ini tren belanja kosmetik semakin berkembang dan memiliki banyak peminat. Hal tersebut mem...
Tendency impulse buying is buying behavior lively trend in hypermarkets and supermarkets. In this co...
This study aims to determine the impact of promotion, store atmosphere and hedonic shopping motivati...
Retail business is growing so rapidly . Retailer sales turnover obtained can be sourced from impulse...
The growth of the retail industry in Indonesia making the retail have to marketing strategy to be ab...
This study aims to determine how the influence of in-store display and price discount on impulse buy...
Pembelian Impulse merupakan pembelian yang tidak sedikit dilakukan konsumen retail. Oleh karena itu,...
ABSTRAKMeningkatnya kebutuhan dan keinginan dikalangan konsumen membuat pola berbelanja konsumen sem...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect promotion mix (advertising, sales persons, sal...
AbstractThis research aims to analyze the impact of Sales Promotion and Store Atmosphere towards Imp...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Price Discount and Bonus Pack to the Hedonic Shopping Va...
Abstract : This study aims to det...
This study aims to determine the effect store atmosphere, price discount, and bonus pack significant...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Sales Promotion, Harga, dan Hedonic Motivation T...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh price discount, bonus pack danin-store display terha...
Pada saat ini tren belanja kosmetik semakin berkembang dan memiliki banyak peminat. Hal tersebut mem...
Tendency impulse buying is buying behavior lively trend in hypermarkets and supermarkets. In this co...
This study aims to determine the impact of promotion, store atmosphere and hedonic shopping motivati...
Retail business is growing so rapidly . Retailer sales turnover obtained can be sourced from impulse...
The growth of the retail industry in Indonesia making the retail have to marketing strategy to be ab...
This study aims to determine how the influence of in-store display and price discount on impulse buy...
Pembelian Impulse merupakan pembelian yang tidak sedikit dilakukan konsumen retail. Oleh karena itu,...
ABSTRAKMeningkatnya kebutuhan dan keinginan dikalangan konsumen membuat pola berbelanja konsumen sem...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect promotion mix (advertising, sales persons, sal...
AbstractThis research aims to analyze the impact of Sales Promotion and Store Atmosphere towards Imp...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Price Discount and Bonus Pack to the Hedonic Shopping Va...
Abstract : This study aims to det...
This study aims to determine the effect store atmosphere, price discount, and bonus pack significant...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Sales Promotion, Harga, dan Hedonic Motivation T...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh price discount, bonus pack danin-store display terha...
Pada saat ini tren belanja kosmetik semakin berkembang dan memiliki banyak peminat. Hal tersebut mem...
Tendency impulse buying is buying behavior lively trend in hypermarkets and supermarkets. In this co...