The macro economics factors have impact on stock exchange market. The ability of investor in understanding and predicting the future economics factor is useful for the investment decision. The objective of this research is to find the effects of inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates on market return in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data analysis used multiple regresssion. Using the data for 2005-2011, the results showed that Exchange rates have significant effect on market return, while inflation and interes rates have not significant effect on market return. Keywords : inflation, interest rate, exchange rate and market return
Return is a reward for investor bravery in taking risks on the investment it does. Recurn can motiva...
The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneou...
The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneou...
The macro economics factors have impact on stock exchange market.ability of inverstor in understandi...
Capital market in Indonesia is a potential market (emerging market) that is highly susceptible to th...
The Objective of the research is to examine the effect of macroeconomic indicator including inflatio...
In this growing era, people do not only invest through savings, but many try to put their source of ...
This research aims is to examine empirically the effect of selected macroeconomic variables, i.e., ...
One of the indicators to know the performance of the stocks that traded the stock index is disbursed...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of interest rates, exchange rates and inflatio...
The year 2010 is the year in which the stock market is experiencing a positive development after the...
Pada penelitian ini akan menguji pengaruh nilai tukar (USD/IDR), suku bunga SBI dan inflasi terhadap...
Perusahaan makanan dan minuman merupakan salah satu yang termasuk ke dalam sektor industri barang ko...
This study aims to analyze the influence, exchange rates and interest rates on economic growth. Infl...
This study aims to determine the effect of inflation, interest rate and exchange rate on market retu...
Return is a reward for investor bravery in taking risks on the investment it does. Recurn can motiva...
The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneou...
The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneou...
The macro economics factors have impact on stock exchange market.ability of inverstor in understandi...
Capital market in Indonesia is a potential market (emerging market) that is highly susceptible to th...
The Objective of the research is to examine the effect of macroeconomic indicator including inflatio...
In this growing era, people do not only invest through savings, but many try to put their source of ...
This research aims is to examine empirically the effect of selected macroeconomic variables, i.e., ...
One of the indicators to know the performance of the stocks that traded the stock index is disbursed...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of interest rates, exchange rates and inflatio...
The year 2010 is the year in which the stock market is experiencing a positive development after the...
Pada penelitian ini akan menguji pengaruh nilai tukar (USD/IDR), suku bunga SBI dan inflasi terhadap...
Perusahaan makanan dan minuman merupakan salah satu yang termasuk ke dalam sektor industri barang ko...
This study aims to analyze the influence, exchange rates and interest rates on economic growth. Infl...
This study aims to determine the effect of inflation, interest rate and exchange rate on market retu...
Return is a reward for investor bravery in taking risks on the investment it does. Recurn can motiva...
The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneou...
The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneou...