Cilj ovoga rada je opisati i prikazati probleme onečišćenja tla. U radu se govori o vrstama onečišćenja izvora. Prikazan je problem odlaganja komunalnog i industrijskog otpada te utjecaj toga otpada. Opisane su i neke od osnovnih metoda za pročišćavanje voda. Također su prikazani izvori onečišćenja tla. Na kraju diplomskog rada govori se o važnosti zaštite okoliša.The aim of this work was to show the problem of soils. The work talks about the types of pollution sources. It is shown the problem of disposal of municipal and industrial waste and the impact of the waste. Some of the basic methods for water purification are also describe. Sources of soil contamination are also shown. At the end of graduate work it is talked about the importance ...