Tema diplomskog rada je bila istražiti utjecaj povišenog djelovanja temperature na nosivost i oštećenje betona armiranobetonskog stupa koji je prije izlaganja djelovanju visokih temperatura prethodno bio izložen djelovanju opterećenja silom. Nakon djelovanja visokih temperatura armiranobetonski stup je hlađen prema propisima hlađenja, a postupak opterećivanja stupa do sloma je izvršen nakon što se stup u potpunosti ohladio duž cijele svoje duljine i duž cijelog svog poprečnog presjeka. Napravljen je jedan model armiranobetonskog stupa te su prikazani proračuni i rezultati za dva validacijska slučaja stup A i stup B, te parametarska studija za stup A pri kojoj smo mijenjali različite iznose opterećenja, te različite duljine vremena djelovanj...
This paper studies the postfire performance of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns subjected to ...
Prema zahtjevima EN 1992-1-2, analize požara armiranobetonskih (RC) stupova danas se mogu izvoditi n...
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na aktuální problematiku odolnosti betonů vůči působení vysokých teplot....
Tema diplomskog rada je bila istražiti utjecaj povišenog djelovanja temperature na nosivost i ošteće...
The article represents the behaviour of reinforced concrete and its components (concrete and reinfor...
Disertační práce je zaměřena na diagnostiku betonových konstrukcí po požáru a rozšiřuje znalosti a p...
The result of this master’s thesis is acquaintance with the issues of cement concrete resistance to ...
The article discusses principles calculating resistance of a reinforced concrete column to fire. The...
This report investigates the fire resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) columns at elevated tempera...
A programme of experimental testing has been conducted to investigate the behaviour of steel columns...
Research in the field of developing innovative concrete materials has been ongoing for the last thre...
The strength of concrete elements can be greatly affected by elevated temperature as in fires, and s...
This paper presents a nonlinear 3-D finite element model investigating the behaviour of concrete enc...
Iako beton spada u grupu anorganskih negorivih materijala, ima nisku toplinsku vodljivost i relativn...
Práce je zaměřena na chování ocelobetonových sloupů vyplněných drátkobetonem za zvýšené teploty. Vyu...
This paper studies the postfire performance of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns subjected to ...
Prema zahtjevima EN 1992-1-2, analize požara armiranobetonskih (RC) stupova danas se mogu izvoditi n...
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na aktuální problematiku odolnosti betonů vůči působení vysokých teplot....
Tema diplomskog rada je bila istražiti utjecaj povišenog djelovanja temperature na nosivost i ošteće...
The article represents the behaviour of reinforced concrete and its components (concrete and reinfor...
Disertační práce je zaměřena na diagnostiku betonových konstrukcí po požáru a rozšiřuje znalosti a p...
The result of this master’s thesis is acquaintance with the issues of cement concrete resistance to ...
The article discusses principles calculating resistance of a reinforced concrete column to fire. The...
This report investigates the fire resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) columns at elevated tempera...
A programme of experimental testing has been conducted to investigate the behaviour of steel columns...
Research in the field of developing innovative concrete materials has been ongoing for the last thre...
The strength of concrete elements can be greatly affected by elevated temperature as in fires, and s...
This paper presents a nonlinear 3-D finite element model investigating the behaviour of concrete enc...
Iako beton spada u grupu anorganskih negorivih materijala, ima nisku toplinsku vodljivost i relativn...
Práce je zaměřena na chování ocelobetonových sloupů vyplněných drátkobetonem za zvýšené teploty. Vyu...
This paper studies the postfire performance of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns subjected to ...
Prema zahtjevima EN 1992-1-2, analize požara armiranobetonskih (RC) stupova danas se mogu izvoditi n...
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na aktuální problematiku odolnosti betonů vůči působení vysokých teplot....