Obrada emocionalnih podražaja često izaziva debate u psihološkim istraživanjima jer postoji mnogo teorija koje na različite načine objašnjavaju njenu prirodu. Postoje dokazi za teoriju valencije, ali i za teoriju desne hemisfere. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati hemisfernu asimetriju vezanu za obradu emocionalnih slika. Za testiranje te teorije, proveden je eksperiment u dva dijela s IAPS slikama. Manipulirana je emocionalna vrijednost slika (ugodne, neugodne, neutralne) kao i strana ekrana na kojoj je slika prezentirana (lijevo/desno), dok su intenzitet i dominacija prezentiranih slika bile kontrolirane. Slike su prikazane u parovima (neutralna/ugodna i neutralna/neugodna) pri čemu su sudionici procjenjivali koja slika je ugodna/neug...
Hemispheric dominance, like those related to handedness, has implications in clinical settings. For ...
Emotion has been shown to be lateralized in the brain. This study examines the individual difference...
Sposobnost precizne percepcije emocija važna je u mnogim aspektima života jer se na taj način mogu...
Obrada emocionalnih podražaja često izaziva debate u psihološkim istraživanjima jer postoji mnogo te...
Velik broj istraživanja se do sada bavio pitanjem postojanja preferencije u procesiranju emocionalni...
Psihofizioloģiska rakstura pētījumi vienlaicīgi skar divu zinātnes nozaru interesējošus jautājumus, ...
Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem provjere pojave kognitivne pristranosti pažnje uslijed izloženost...
Hemispheric asymmetries are a major organizational principle in human emotion processing, but their ...
Hemispheric asymmetries are a major organizational principle in human emotion processing, but their ...
Two models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing were reviewed: the right hemisphere and the va...
Thirty right-handed participants were presented with emotional pictures either to the left or to the...
Whilst many have argued for a right hemisphere advantage for the processing of emotional stimuli, re...
The relations between the asymmetry of hemispheric activity using the EEG rhythms in resting and bot...
Investigated hemispheric asymmetries in the perception of positive and negative emotion. The moderat...
A substantial body of evidence indicates that the two cerebral hemispheres differ in their contribut...
Hemispheric dominance, like those related to handedness, has implications in clinical settings. For ...
Emotion has been shown to be lateralized in the brain. This study examines the individual difference...
Sposobnost precizne percepcije emocija važna je u mnogim aspektima života jer se na taj način mogu...
Obrada emocionalnih podražaja često izaziva debate u psihološkim istraživanjima jer postoji mnogo te...
Velik broj istraživanja se do sada bavio pitanjem postojanja preferencije u procesiranju emocionalni...
Psihofizioloģiska rakstura pētījumi vienlaicīgi skar divu zinātnes nozaru interesējošus jautājumus, ...
Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem provjere pojave kognitivne pristranosti pažnje uslijed izloženost...
Hemispheric asymmetries are a major organizational principle in human emotion processing, but their ...
Hemispheric asymmetries are a major organizational principle in human emotion processing, but their ...
Two models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing were reviewed: the right hemisphere and the va...
Thirty right-handed participants were presented with emotional pictures either to the left or to the...
Whilst many have argued for a right hemisphere advantage for the processing of emotional stimuli, re...
The relations between the asymmetry of hemispheric activity using the EEG rhythms in resting and bot...
Investigated hemispheric asymmetries in the perception of positive and negative emotion. The moderat...
A substantial body of evidence indicates that the two cerebral hemispheres differ in their contribut...
Hemispheric dominance, like those related to handedness, has implications in clinical settings. For ...
Emotion has been shown to be lateralized in the brain. This study examines the individual difference...
Sposobnost precizne percepcije emocija važna je u mnogim aspektima života jer se na taj način mogu...