Koronarografija je danas zlatni standard u dokazivanju i procjeni težine zahvaćenosti koronarnih arterija aterosklerotskim promjenama, a perkutane koronarne intervencije zajedno s farmakološkim mjerama temelj su liječenja ishemijske bolesti srca. Iako je transfemoralni pristup dominirao u eksplozivnom razvoju interventne kardiologije, transradijalni pristup danas sve češće zamjenjuje „klasični“ transfemoralni. Oba pristupa imaju pozitivne i negativne strane, no razlozi sve češćeg preferiranja radijalnog pristupa među intervencijskim kardiolozima smanjen je rizik vaskularnih komplikacija, krvarenja, rana vertikalizacija, veća ugoda za bolesnika, cjenovna prihvatljivost te niži rizik od morbiditeta i mortaliteta posebice u visoko rizičnih sku...
The radial approach for coronary procedures appears as a safe alternative to femoral access.Moreover...
Since the first cardiac catheterization in 1929, this procedure has evolved considerably. Historical...
Selective coronary angiography was originally performed through open brachial arteriotomy. Thereafte...
Koronarografija je danas zlatni standard u dokazivanju i procjeni težine zahvaćenosti koronarnih art...
Koronarografija je danas zlatni standard u dokazivanju i procjeni težine zahvaćenosti koronarnih art...
OBJECTIVE: Trans-radial approach for coronary angiography is the most appropriate route for interven...
OBJECTIVE: Trans-radial approach for coronary angiography is the most appropriate route for interven...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The use of the radial artery as an approach to percutaneous coronary interventions is becoming incre...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The paper describes the technical features of a transradial approach; indications and patient select...
The radial approach for coronary procedures appears as a safe alternative to femoral access.Moreover...
The radial approach for coronary procedures appears as a safe alternative to femoral access.Moreover...
Since the first cardiac catheterization in 1929, this procedure has evolved considerably. Historical...
Selective coronary angiography was originally performed through open brachial arteriotomy. Thereafte...
Koronarografija je danas zlatni standard u dokazivanju i procjeni težine zahvaćenosti koronarnih art...
Koronarografija je danas zlatni standard u dokazivanju i procjeni težine zahvaćenosti koronarnih art...
OBJECTIVE: Trans-radial approach for coronary angiography is the most appropriate route for interven...
OBJECTIVE: Trans-radial approach for coronary angiography is the most appropriate route for interven...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The use of the radial artery as an approach to percutaneous coronary interventions is becoming incre...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The radial approach is considered alternative to the traditional femoral approach to perform coronar...
The paper describes the technical features of a transradial approach; indications and patient select...
The radial approach for coronary procedures appears as a safe alternative to femoral access.Moreover...
The radial approach for coronary procedures appears as a safe alternative to femoral access.Moreover...
Since the first cardiac catheterization in 1929, this procedure has evolved considerably. Historical...
Selective coronary angiography was originally performed through open brachial arteriotomy. Thereafte...